Chapter 20

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~~~Choji POV~~~~

I hardly slept a wink last night because of how nervous and excited for this mroning. I really want to have Natasha stay with me where I can protect her and show her the love she deserves. 

As the first rays of sunlight peeked over the Hokage monument I launched out of bed and got ready quickly. I ran down the stairs and made a peice of toast while slipping on my shoes. I really wasn't that hungry surprisingly because of how nervous I am about talking to Lady Hokage. I ran out the door my parents still asleep and ran out into the nearly deserted streets. 

I ran to the Hokage office building quickly wanting to know the answer as soon as possible. I ran up the stairs finishing my toast and came to a stop in front of the office's double doors. I took a few calming breaths before raising my fist and gently rapping on the door. There was a small crash like something fell then a mumbled 'come in'. I opened the door and clear my throat to stop from laughing at Lady Tsudnade's messy hair and the dried drool coming from the corner of her mouth.

She looked at me with blurry and sleepy eyes grumbling to me. "What do you want at this ungoddly hour Choji?"

"M-ma'am I was wondering if I could take custody of N-Natasha and house her in my home." I tried to say firmly but my voice wavered. She raised an eyebrow at this.

"Why the hell would you want to do this?" She asked and pulled a bottle of sake from under the desk.

"B-because she is very kind and has the best for the village in mind. She deserves better treatment than she is getting now and I want to be the one to give her that treatment. In the short time I've come to know her she has become very special to me and i want to keep her close by so I know she is getting the treament she deserves." I said my voice becoming stronger and stronger as I kept talking. She smirked at me.

"Fine but if she attacks anyone or does something against the good of the village then she will be locked in a cell that only a select few can open." She said while smirking. "Oh and you and your family will believed to be lnked to the crime and will get the same punishment."

"I understand Lady Hokage but i believe she will not go against the village in anyway." I bowed deeply. "Thank you Lady Hokage for granting my request." She waved me off.

"Just get out of here and grab her on your way out too." She said. I straightened then nodded and left the room going down the stairs to the cell level. I rushed to her cell and knocked lightly.

 I said softly. I heard rustling and the door opened to reveal Natasha in her pj's looking like she had been tossing and turning all night.

~~Natasha's POV~~~~~

When I heard the knockat my door I turned to face it. I hadn't gotten much sleep because I was to busy praying that I would be allowed to live with Choji. I heard Choji's voice on the otherside of the door.

"Natasha? We have premission for you to stay with me so please open up." He said softly where I could barely hear him. As soon as he finished I leapt out of bed and swung the door open knowing I looked like a horrid monster from tossing all night.

"Seriouly? We got premission?" I whispered hopefully; he simply nodded in response to my question. I held in an extremely girly squeal as I leapt into him and hugged him for dear life. "YES!" I couldn't contain my happiness to leave this cell as I grinned so large it felt like my face would split in half. He wrapped his arms around my waist hugging me gently and lovingly.

"Yes now pack any items you have and want to bring okay?" He whispered. I hopped out of his arms and pulled him into my room tossing him on the bed as I quickly gathered my supplied clothing and few items I had gotten during my time so far in Konohana. Next I grabbed an outift and ran into the bathroom getting changed and grabbing my hairbrush, tooth brush and shampoo. I tossed everything into a shopping bag I had kept and bounced olut of the room still smiling. 

"Let's go Choji! I can't wait to be free of that bland cell." I said. He smiled in amusement at my enthusiaism and followed me out of the room. He grabbed my hand and leadme up the stairs and out to the nearly empty streets because of how early it still was.

"When you meet my parents you need to be respectful, okay? I know they won'tn change their mind on you staying with us but it's safer this way. Besides you will have to be bunking in my room with me on the couch or with you in the room so it's better to show that nothing will happen under their roof that they don't want." He said leading me off in the direction of what I think is his home. 

"Okay Choji. Will they hate me?" I asked nervously.

"They will love you I promise." He said shooting me a reasurring smile that I blushed a little at.

We werenow in a housing area and he pulled me to the door of one. My nerves built as I realized t was his house. Time to face and meet his parents.


Done for this chapter. Next Is meeting Choji's parents!!




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