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Last time in drama class everyone had to make a random scene, people were not cooperating well which I guess made it funny? Anyways... Enjoy!

(Amy's P.O.V.)

Watching everyone's performances actually made me feel as if they had no trouble doing it.

But of course not because as soon as we went to lunch everyone started talking and how they hated their partner, except Knuckles of course who actually seemed kind of quiet...

Knuckles got up and randomly walked away.

Rouge instantly got a text, she looked at her phone and grinned.

"Who is it?" Cosmo asked.

"It's Knuckles, he said he needed to talk to me in the hallway. PS: It's rlly romantic!" Rouge squealed.

"Well what are you waiting for? Go meet him." Blaze said.

"But, I need you to come with me... just in case..." Rouge said in a low tone.

"What? Your scared to have a talk with your own boyfriend." I teased Rouge.

Cosmo was giggling trying her hardest not to offend Rouge Blaze tried to contain her laughter by smiling I on the other hand was just smirking at her.

"Listen, it's hard to explain, your my friends and I want you there to support me!" Rouge snapped.

"Support you as we watch Knuckles probably give you a fake flower!" Cosmo said.

"For your information, Knuckles doesn't give me fake flowers anymore!" Rouge protested. I snicked a bit.

"Anymore." I joked quietly but enough for Rouge to hear. All Rouge did was glare at me.

"Pleas please please please come guys I'll buy you all new shoes!" Rouge pleaded.


"A new shirt for me." Blaze began.

"And I want new earrings." Cosmo added.

"And I would like some new nail polish." I finished,

"Deal," Rouge said. "And while I'm buying your stuff I'm gonna get that diamond necklace I saw!" 


"Come on let's go that Knuckle head could be giving me that necklace!" Rouge snapped as we all jumped out our seats.

We were all now running down the hallway, well the only one running is Rouge.

"Okay Knuckles said it's the hallway on the second floor by the Boy's washroom." Rouge said.

"Knuckles!" Rouge called him over as she began to slow down.

"Rouge, I am just telling you right now, your the most stunning girl I've ever seen." Knuckles began.

Knuckles held Rouge's hand.

How sweet!

"Each anniversary we've been through I may have gave you fake flowers, but you deserve more than that, because you a true flower." Knuckles stated.


"Wow." Rouge whispered.

"I- I don't know what to say..." Rouge said with a smile.

"Knuckles, your very sweet. I love you." Rouge said, smiling.


OMG This is so cute!

"Really? Well I know what I'm gonna say.." Knuckles said with a smirk.

"...What is it?" Rouge asked.

"This." Knuckles said with a grin.

"NOW GUYS!" Knuckles yelled.



Rouge was shocked, so was Cosmo Blaze and I.

Rouge fell to the ground hoping she could try to get away by crawling away but they didn't stop t'ill they were all out.

Rouge looked up at a smiling Knuckles.

Knuckles walked away until he was standing beside Scrouge.

Scrouge smirked and walked up to Rouge.

"Listen, I'm gonna make this short, Knuckles doesn't like you, your a worthless slut and he doesn't want you in his life anymore. He made a mistake ever going out with you and he just hates you." Scrouge said.

"Now go screw yourself." Scrouge finished and walked away.

Rouge ran away to the nearest Girl's bathroom but not that close to the Boy's bathroom.

As soon as Roue got in there she started sobbing and wouldn't stop crying.

I felt so bad for her!

This is the first time seeing Rouge cry, her crying kinda makes me wanna cry too.

"I- I thought he loved me!" Rouge whined.

"But instead he hates me! All those things he said to me... were all a lie..." Rouge said as she continued to cry.

"It's okay Rouge, things happen for a reason, Knuckles broke up with you because what he doesn't know is that there is a way better man in the future for you." Blaze said.

"Rouge, just stop crying I don't like it when you cry, go there's a water fountain by the washroom, go cool yourself off with a clean drink of water." Cosmo suggested.

"Okay.  Amy, can you go see if the boys or anyone are by the water fountain please?" Rouge asked me.

I nodded my head and took a peek through the door.

Of course Rouge wouldn't want to be seen in public, especially since her mascara is running.

No one's there except for the boys who were actually walking away.

...Shadow was there...

So was Sonic but I don't care about him.

Wait, I just noticed Becky was there, wait a minute... She went in the boy's bathroom?!

"Thanks for helping me through this guys, Scrouge I thank you the most man." I heard Knuckles say.

"Shadow thanks for the water balloon idea." Knuckles thanked Shadow.

Part of me felt instantly sad, the other part wouldn't let her guard down.

But Shadow was in this...

Taking a deep breath before coming back in and telling Rouge the're still there.

"The're just about walking away." I said.

"I'm not going out there than." Rouge stated.

"Listen, Rouge you are a intelligent beautiful young woman, you shouldn't care what people say about you." I said.

"You don't have to buy us anything, we're gonna find that diamond necklace for you." I said.

"We're not gonna stop t'ill I see that smile on your face. Rouge, Knuckles doesn't deserve you." I simply stated.

"Just forget about boys for awhile, after school we're going to your house to plan what we're doing okay?" I finished.

"... But I never agreed to that." Cosmo said.

"Shut up Cosmo." I rolled my eyes at her.


I was walking towards my car when a familiar voice called my name.

"Amy!" I turned around to see Shadow calling me.

I'm angry at Shadow now, I sent him a death glare.

He was a little shocked but kept running towards me.

This is not gonna be pretty...

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