Amy in Wonderland part.2

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Hey guys I know your as confussed as I-don't-know-what but you have to wait, you must wait! Anyways even though you might be confussed just try to Enjoy! Oh since Sally and Shadow are royals their gonna be talking like royals, you know keep saying 'we' when they mean I.

(Sally's P.O.V)

It was a surprise to see Amy come visit my castle.

Oh no no no no no!

She's going to ruin everything! Now that she knows what we did...

Ugh we can be such an idiot sometimes.

"Search the land! Find that woman and bring her back to us! Alive!" I shouted.

Startled the soldiers ran out the castle to find Amy.

We will not let you take off and spread 'rumors' around the land like that Amy, this is my kingdom! 

(15 mins later)

My husband already left to go check on Vanessa.

My soldiers came back with a confused pink hedgehog in their strong hands. 

"Release her." I patiently said. Amy collapsed on the ground.

We smirked at her helpless body, she couldn't do anything. We shouldn't be afraid, we shouldn't be afraid of anyone just because that pink tree told me to.

"Go and smite the ones who couldn't find her, they are not good enough soldiers. They must die." I demanded. The soldiers who found Amy put their helmets back on and left.

I called my new guards in to throw Amy in the dungeon. Everyone who knows what I did, can't know about this. That pink tree girl said someone who knows what I have been hiding will come against us. And someone who we have betrayed will smite us. This cannot happen. We must be a true queen and make sure this doesn't come to pass...

(Amy's P.O.V)

The guards randomly threw me in a random dungeon.

"What the hell let me out of here!" I shouted.

The guards looked confused, than looked at me. They laughed than walked away still laughing.

What the heck?!

A purple haired mongoose turned around.

"Does thou hast any food for us?" She politely asked.

"Us? Other than me the only person here is you and that skeleton over there." I said pointing at a skeleton.

"That's Julie-su, she died out of starvation, I'm not ready yet..." The mongoose said looking down.

I smiled than gave her a piece of bread I bought in the market after I went to Vanilla's grave.

She looked overjoyed. She practically jumped me just to get the bread.

After she finished she looked at me for a long time. Than asked for more.

I than gave her all of it.

"Our name is Mina." Mina said.

Oooohhhh okay that makes more sense, just try to forget how bad of a person she really is.

"So Mina why are you in here?" I asked thinking that I knew the answer.

"When the Sally finally smite the queen she became queen, she was so overjoyed she told her beloved friends, Julie-su and us. A day after she kept getting panicked, and always been rude to us and Julie-su. Until one day , she just threw us in the dungeon." Mina replied.

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