Well that hurt

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Hey guys last time Mina tripped Amy (gggrrr) and after Amy's shower her and Shadow were about to kiss! Until Mina ruined it! Let's see if what happens in this chapter let's just hope something bad happens to Mina this time. Enjoy!

(Amy's P.O.V)

Sitting in the cafeteria with my friends Rouge seemed a little depressed.

"What's wrong?" I asked looking at Rouge with an concern look.

Rouge just pointed her finger at a random direction instead of using her words.

I looked in Rouge's direction and saw Knuckles and Julie-su holding hands.

Of course, Julie-su is almost crazy about Knuckles. She was just waiting for the right momenta to take him, the last time she tried to take Knuckles away from Rouge,  you know what. Never mind, you don't need to know...

"Do you wanna switch spots?" I asked.

"...Sure." Rouge said with a bit of attitude.

I switched spots with Rouge so her back is now facing Knuckles so she can't see him unless she turns around of course.

 I didn't eat much today so I am now walking to the library so I could study for the history quiz next week.

As I was walking I heard minor footsteps walking as if the person was wearing high heels.

Click Clique Click

The annoying high heels were really bothering me so I walked faster to get away from them.

Than the sound of the heels got faster.

Click Clique Click Clique Click! *Sorry after I say "Click I say Clique it's because when I put two click's together it says it's wrong*

I walked faster and soon found myself running.

What the Heck?!

Where am I in a horror movie?!?

I turned around to see Mina, Sally and Julie-su with all big grins on their faces.


It's a horror movie.

I soon found myself running again.

"No running in the halls!" Mrs. Biko  snapped.

I quickly slowed down to speed walking I looked behind Mina and her friends slowed down to with innocent smiles looking at Mrs. Biko.

After she left we quickly started running again.

I finally slipped over my shoe lace.

Are you kidding me?! I thought that only happens in the movie's?!?

I was about to get up but it was too late.

Mina Julie-su and Sally were already surrounding me.

So I just sat there waiting for my doom!

I am such a great actress you know what after this I'm gonna sign up for drama club!

Mina, Julie-su and Sally stood there with grins on their faces.

It actually seemed like someone is missing...

Just as if someone heard my thoughts Fiona came running down the halls until she was beside Mina.

"Sorry I'm late I tried to convince Becky into coming but she said she doesn't want to hurt her feelings she wants to hurt her physically and if she doesn't get what she wants than she's not coming." Fiona whispered.

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