Hate Maria... so much

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Hey guys sorry the last chapter was so short, but yeah sorry. Last time Mina was talking to Amy, trying to get her pissed off. Than when she went to Shadow, some guy Maria came, than Amy got pissed off. That's about it. Enjoy!

(Amy's P.O.V.)

My parents are in a meeting or something, so I'm home alone. I than heard strange sounds when I was in my room checking my notes.

I looked around the room...

No one was there.

I than went back to my notes, there is no way I'm failing that quiz.

I heard the noise again.

That's it!

I grabbed my pikko pikko hammer keeping it beside me.

"Hello." A voice greeted me.

I grabbed my hammer and turned around to see Shadow.

"Where did you come from?!" I asked concerned.

"Window." Shadow replied.

I looked at my open window and closed it.

"Why can't you come from a door like a normal person?!" I questioned him.

"Because if somebody were to come from your window it would be nice to see you get ready." Shadow stated with a smirk.

I glanced at Shadow.

"Don't come through the window again." I stated going back to my notes.

"I thought you were going to be with Maria or something like that." I said with an eye roll.

"Amy listen, I think it's about time to tell you the incident of what happened between Sonic and Maria." Shadow said with a serious face.

I nodded.

\"Okay, so Maria and I were friends. Only because she was dating Sonic." Shadow began.

"So as you know, Sonic is a womanizing man-slut so he tried to force her, good thing Maria's parents came before it happened." Shadow stated.

"But now, Maria is afraid of falling in love." Shadow finished.


"Oh..." I trailed off.

"Maria doesn't like being reminded about it so just try not to mention it." Shadow said putting his arm around me.

"Okay." I said with a smile.

(At school)

"Oh hi Maria." I said with a cheerful smile.

"Hello Amy." Maria greeted back.

"I was wondering if you would like to sit with my friends and I at lunch." I invited her.

Poor girl, I have no reason to hate...  I know how it feels to be with Sonic.

Maria grabbed me.

"Come on! Any friend of Shadow's is a friend of mine!" Maria said leading me out the school doors.

(At Maria's house)

"Sit down, would you like some tea?" Maria asked me politly.

"No thanks." I said.

Maria giggled.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"I'm surprised you didn't recognize me yet." Maria said.


"It's me, Maria. Remember the one who you beat in each talent show! You always ruined everything! It's not fair!" Maria snapped.

"Wait a minute... Maria! Your the one who pushed me into the chocolate fountain!" I yelled getting my memory back.

"You pushed me in first!" Maria yelled.

"Whatever! Listen, that's all behind us now... so can we be friends. I- I know what happened--" I was cut off by Maria, I know I'm not supposed to mention anything but I need to let her know that I care...

"Between me and Sonic." Maria finished my sentence.


"I lied." Maria finished with a smile.

"I just said all of that because Shadow asked me out, and I already have my heart set on someone else..." Maria said with a loving sigh.

"And who would that be?" I asked her.

"... Scourge! His green fur that blows in the wind and his sunglasses which makes him mysterious but somewhat sexy is just admirable!" Maria yelled letting her feelings out totally forgetting I was beside her.

"Um... I don't see it." I stated trying to forget what she said.

I hope she knows how well Fiona can get a temper.

"But that's not the point! You just lied to Shadow! That must have broke his heart! You could have let him down easy! He had feelings for you..." I trailed off.

"And he still does! This war isn't finished yet Amy... let's play a game..." Maria trailed off with a grin.

"What?!" I snapped.

"Okay... in about 2 months I will steal your boyfriend. If I fail, I will humiliate myself in front of the school, but if I succeed... you humiliate yourself." Maria stated stretching her hand out.

"I thought you liked Scourge?" I asked.

"Oh, well  of course I will dump him after and chase after Scourge no matter how much her annoying girlfriend bothers me." Maria said.

"So your going to steal my boyfriend, than dump him, leaving him heart broken, to go chase Scourge again?!" I snapped getting angry.

"Well... yeah pretty much." Maria said.

I can't believe how cute and innocent Maria acts for show, than turns all cold hearted.

"You will not hurt Shadow! I'm not letting you do that." I said sternly looking through her innocent eyes.

"Well than you better try your best to win the game." Mina said with a smile.

"Hold on a second, I never said I was in this." I said.

"If your not in this, than I will get him myself. But dump him harder. Not only that... but I humiliate you myself." Maria said.


Maria did pretty bad things when she was younger... now that she's older, I just can't imagine what she could do.

"Fine." I said with a sigh, I didn't even bother looking at her. I don't need to see such innocent eyes lie to my boyfriend. I love him deeply, I can't let her treat Shadow like that.

"Oh, one rule. You can't tell no one about the game, that also means to not tell Shadow I lied to him." Maria said.

"Deal." I said stretching my arm out to shake her hand.

"Good." Maria said stretching her arm out.

"Not even going to bother wishing you good luck, I want to see you fail and cry just for payback." Maria said.

Without a word I just walked out of the house.

There is no way she is going to do this.

Who did she think she was?

Trying to use my boyfriend.

Not going to happen.

If Maria thinks she can pull this off...

She's dead wrong.

There's no way Shadow would ditch me like that anyways. He would never do that.

I'm going to make sure Shadow is safe and with me.

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