Skipping School

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Hey guys last time Amy and Shadow kissed! Anywyas I'm not telling much but I am gonna tell you that updates of this story will be a little slow. I have a lot more homework than what I got last year but that's what's growing up all about until you start getting angry of how much money you spen and that's how you know you're an adult. Just kidding! Enjoy!

(Amy's P.O.V.)

I am now finished getting ready for school but I guess I could finish some homework. I have 30 minutes to finish up some homework that is due next week I probably won't finish all of it but it's for the best.


"Um Amy?" My mom greeted me at my door.

"Not now mum this is really important to me." I said a bit annoyed.

"Yes I know but there's a time and place for everything and right now it's time to go to s--" I cut me mom off before she finished.

"Yes mom I know I already ate breakfast now please leave." I said pointing towards the door.

"What I'm trying to say is--"

"Mom what is so important now that you can't wait until later to tell me?!" I snapped.

My mom gave me a look which meant 'watch your tone' or 'you better fix your attitude'

"Sorry mom." I muttered.

My mother instantly turned happy again after hearing those words.

"Now what were you gonna tell me?" I asked.

"I think your clock will tell you what I was about to say." My mom stated before I walked away.


I checked the time.


Shoot I must have missed the bus!

I grabbed my bag ran downstairs pick up my keys put on my shoes and ran out the door as fast as I can.

I was now at the bus stop Shadow's house is near by there maybe I can ask him where the bus went.

I saw Shadow already outside! Perfect! I ran to him.

"Shadow did the bus leave?" I asked him.

"Hello to you to Mrs. Rose." Shadow stated.

I thought I already told him to stop saying my last name...

"Whatever did the bus leave or not?" I asked.


"Say hi first." He stated without looking at me.

Is he serious? I don't want to play games now. Shadow is acting like a total dick!


"Hi." I muttered.


"The bus already left." He said putting on his helmet. Did I mention he had his motorcycle with him?

"Can you give me a ride please?" I asked.

"Sure hop in." He said with a smile.


"You mean in your motorcycle?" I asked him.



"Don't tell me your still afraid of Scarlet?" Shadow smirked.

He named his motorcycle...?

"I-I'm not afraid of a bike!" I lied.

"Than why won't you get in?" Shadow asked.

"Because... there's only one helmet." I said proud that I made an excellent excuse not to ride on a death trap.

"Okay here." Shadow said lending me his helmet.

"... What about you." I asked.

"I'm fine. I'm a professional I don't need it." Shadow said proud.


I don't want to be late.

I put on the helmet and got on the bike.

"Let's go." I sighed.

Shadow smirked and hoped on the motorcycle. After awhile I realized we pasted the school.

"Shadow you know you passed the school right?" I asked.


"Shadow?" I repeated.

I than realized what he was doing.

"Shadow!" I cried.

Shadow laughed.

"Shadow pull over now!" I demanded.

"Where in the middle of the highway?" Shadow asked sarcastically.

"Where are you taking me?!" I snapped. 

"Sorry but I didn't hear a please." Shadow said.

I know what your thinking, Shadow isn't really a bad boy or anything this is just his behavior I guess.

"Please." I mumbled.

"We are going to skip school." Shadow stated.

"What I already knew that!" I cried.


I knew what he's doing.

"Shadow can you please tell me where we are going?" I asked.

"No." Shadow said.

I am really upset I'm gonna miss school now.


Shadow took me out to a restaurant now were in a pretty meadow because I was trying to find the school but I got lost.

Shadow said when he finds someone he will ask for directions.

I am now sitting on the grass, Shadow came and sat beside me.

"You okay?" He asked.


I'm not answering I'm not ready to talk to him yet.

"Come on Ames are you really angry at me?" He questioned me.


"Listen Ames, I know I messed up I don't know what happened. I was planning to skip school to avoid you because I was too afraid to talk to you after we kissed again." Shadow said without looking at me.

H-- He's afraid too?

"I'm such a coward." Shadow said.

"No." I replied.

Shadow looked at me.

"I feel that way too, but now that we feel the same way we don't have to get nervous around each other." I said with a smile.

Shadow smiled.

I kissed him on the cheek.

After that was pure silence, like we had a moment. 

Later Shadow and I spent the rest of the day together.

We actually said that we should go out again!

I love skipping school.

... Just kidding I'm still angry about that! :)

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