How many times have you said sorry again?

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Hey guys I had trouble picking out the title... so here it is. Anyways Shadow screwed up again! Lol Amy's so pissed! But will she forgive him? If she doesn't how will this be a Shadamy story? We'll figure that out... Enjoy!

(Amy's P.O.V.)

(The next day)

"Amy that's not fair you said you'd talk to him!" Rouge snapped.

"Yeah but I don't want too! Besides I never knew you were serious!" I protested.

"How can you not know I'm always serious!" Rouge protested back.


I glared at Rouge.

"Okay fine but I was serious than and I'm pretty sure you knew that!"  Rouge yelled.

"Leave me alone Rouge! You said to speak to him when I'm ready." I said with a grin.

"Amy I know you don't hold a grudge. especially over a day. So nice try." She said.

"I can hold a grudge." I stated.

"Yeah but not someone you're in love with!" Rouge teased.

"Shut up Rouge!" I yelled trying to hold my blush.

"Ooooohhhhh!!!" Rouge squealed.

I hit her in the back of the head.

"Sorry but you know I hate it when people do that to me." I stated.

Rouge groaned.

I looked at the billinton board.

"Hey do you wanna sign up for drama club? Cosmo said it sucks and Blaze thought I was going to start a fight so she said no and ran away." I stated/asked.

"Sure." She said getting out her pen.

"Yes I knew the drama queen would want to join!" I scream with joy.

"And for that I'm not signing up." She said.

"You knew I was joking though..." I said with puppy dog eyes (not the lips, the lips just ruins the whole face).

"And you knew I was joking too. Or in this case... acting!" Rouge started laughing at her own joke while I just rolled my eyes.

 Shadow started walking down the hallway in our direction.

Oh Shoot.

"Well bye Amy I gotta go see you some other day!" Rouge said very quickly before she ran off.

"Hey Amy." Shadow mumbled.

I rolled my eyes keeping my eyes focused on the billiton board.

"Hey do you know I came here on purpose to make Rouge leave?" Shadow asked.

"Nope." I said trying to end the conversation.

"Well... It's because now that's she's gone she'll run into Knuckles, just like I planned." He said.

"What?!" I said confused.

"I talked to Knuckles, he knows where she's going next so she's going to talk to her." He said.

"... I think we should stay close, just in case if anything happens." I said with a smile.

"Amy listen, I had nothing to do with that video." Shadow started.

"I know, they deleted all their video's due to the comments. Your helping Rouge, and it's best to forgive and forget, so I guess I forgive you." I said a little timid at the end.

"Don't forgive me yet I havn't even said sorry." Shadow said.

"It's okay Shadow. How many times have you said sorry anyways." I said laughing a little.

"Now let's go." I said with a smile.

By the time we got there it looks like things already worked out.

"How many times have you said sorry again?" Rouge asked with a smirk.

Shadow and I looked at each other than started laughing.


Shadow walked me home and my parents invited him in my house, Cream was there too.

Just than my father came downstairs late.

"Where have you been? Who's this? Did he make you do stuff?" My father questioned me.

"Do what stuff?" Cream asked.

Oh that's not good.

Shadow grinned.

"You haven't given her 'the talk' yet?" Shadow said looking at Vanilla, Cream's mother.

Vanilla looked at Cream.

"I haven't. My baby's growing so fast." Vanilla said.

Shadow smirked.

"Uh Shadow I think you need to leave." I said.

"Here Cream, Let me tell you the story about the bee's and the birds." Shadow said with a wink ignoring me.

Right after he said that we all ran upstairs, even my father!

(A few dreadful minutes later)

I came downstairs because the big grown adults wants the youngest one to go check to see if it's finished.

Can you believe that?

I saw Cream hugging her legs rocking back and forth.

Shadow was trying to contain his laughter.

"And that's where babies come from." Shadow said trying his hardest not to laugh but is obviously not working.

"It's clear guys!" I shouted upstairs.

Everyone came downstairs.

Cream spotted Vanilla.

"MMMMMOOOOMMMMYYYY!!!" Cream yelled running to her mom until she was behind her.

"Shadow told me a horror story." Cream said.

"I can imagine." Vanilla rolled her eyes.

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