Everything was so perfect...

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Hey guys EmeraldTK here, I AM SO SORRY THIS IS LATE! Because you know how I write over the weekend, I had homework over the weekend. A LOT! Not only that but I was a little un organized so of course as my mom always says: "Homework comes first before anything." So you can blame my mother for that. ;) Again my apologies I am so sorry I will try to make it up to you. So the book is almost finished but I will make a sequel, which I'm still trying to find the title to and I'm making another book. So Enjoy this one ti'll the end. Enjoy!

Amy's P.O.V)

"AMY!" My mother called me.

Come on! I thought we're already at the cabin, but this is different. I'm not trying to stuff my clothes in my suitcase. I woke up miserable as usual.

"Yes?!" I replied to my mother.

"We have guest, come down quickly!" Mother told me.

"Or not!" I heard Rouge yell.

I hopped in the shower, got out to change my clothes, brushed my teeth, wash my face than got ready to go downstairs.

As I walked downstairs I walked away too tired to make eye contact with our 'guest'. I grabbed a mug to make some hot chocolate.

"Amy say hi to your friends." My dad said.

I sighed, "Hi, Rouge, Cosmo, Blaze, Shadow, Knuckles, Silver, Cream, Marine, Tikal and Espio." I said very tired.

"Hi." The all muttered.

"Your missing a few others." Mom said.


I turned around to face Sally, Julie-su and Mina.

"What the hell?!" I yelled out.

"AMY!" Mom and dad screeched at the same time.

"What are they doing here?!" I questioned.

"These young ladies stopped by and told us they were friends of yours." Dad answered.

"Amy I never knew you rented a cabin every year. Our family does too, but I only bring my besties." Mina said putting her arm around Sally and Julie-su. Sally than wiggled her eyebrows.

That was a little funny though so I tried to hide my laughter with a poker face so did everyone else except for Julie-su and Mina who laughed with Sally.

"Why don't you guys stop by our place?" Julie-su said acting innocent.

Before I could say anything mother already stopped me.

"We'd love to!" My mom said cheerfully.

"Um, when you say 'we' I hope you mean--" I was about to finish my sentence but mom finished it with something different.

"That your coming too." Mom said.

"No." I replied.

"Amy show some respect." Dad joined in.

"But it's cold!" I whined.

"Than you better run." Mom said giving me the same look she did yesterday when I was taking to long to pack my stuff.

Mom can hold a grudge.


"What about Cream, Cosmo, Espio, Tikal and Marine? The're probably going to get bored." I stated feeling proud about my statement.

"Oh, we have a large TV room and it's not really a play room, but it's big enough to play in." Mina said feeling proud also.

"See problem solved, do your parents know we're coming?" My dad asked.

I'm In Love With A Bad Boy (ShadAmy)Where stories live. Discover now