Chapter Three<3

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Author's Note:

Okay guys. Sorry it's taken me longer than usual to update but i'm not getting many votes and comments.

So. If you want me to keep updating, then make sure to comment and vote.




I groaned and rolled over to hit the snooze on my annoying alarm clock. I looked up at the ceiling and heard my mom calling me. I really hate Mondays.

I got up to get ready for school. After I got done getting ready I went downstairs. I sat at the table and put some fruit in a bowl from the fruit bowl.

"So. Have you talked to dad yet?" I asked my mom through a mouthful of fruit.

She looked up at me with annoyance in her expression and said, "No Alexis. He doesn't call me."

"Then why havent you called him?"

"Because I dont need to. You call him. He's buying you a car. Not me."

I rolled my eyes and finished eating my fruit. I just put the dishes in the sink when I heard a honk outside.

"Emily's here. Bye." I called out to my mom as I was running to the door.

"Why do you seem so annoyed?" Emily asked as I finished buckling my seatbelt.

"Take a guess." I said and sighed.

"What did your mom do this time?" She said with understanding.

I loved my bestfreind for this reason. She knew what I was thinking without even having to tell her.

I smiled at her and said, "She has just been annoying lately. She wont call my dad. She just doesnt want me to get a car."

She gave me a sympathetic smile and said, "Sorry."

"It's cool."

We drove the rest of the way to school in silence and I stared out the window watching the trees and houses passing by in a blur.


The week passed by slowly. It was all the same. School, home, homework, bed. I barley seen my mom. I mean, I usually didn't see alot of her to begin with but now I rarely saw her. I was getting kind of worried but blew it off.

It was Friday and Alex was coming over. I was sitting in the living room waiting for him to get here. I had the tv on but I was too anxious to pay attention. Finally; five minutes later, the doorbell rang.

I ran to the door and opened it.

"Hey." He said with a smile.

"Hi." I said, leaning up to kiss him.

We kissed for a few seconds and I pulled away. "I have some movies and alot of food. I thought we could order pizza or chinese or something."

He grabbed my hand and said, "Okay."

We walked to the living room. I put in a movie but we didn't really watch it.

We were on the couch kissing when I pulled away from him. I looked in his eyes and couldn't believe how gorgeous he was. I smiled at him and kissed him so fast he didn't even have time to react. I got up from the couch and pulled him up. I started dragging him out of the living room only stopping to turn lights off.

I stopped at the end of the stairs and kissed him. He kissed me back and I started walking up the stairs pulling him with me. I opened my door and started kissing him again. He kissed me back and then picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he started walking in my room only stopping to kick the door shut with his foot.

He gently threw me on the my bed and he got on top of me. I broke away and looked at him. He smiled down at me and then I pulled his shirt off. I started kissing him again. He only pulled away so he could pull my shirt off and he quickly returned his lip to mine.

I unbuttoned his pants and he kicked them off. He pulled away and we were both breathless.

"Are you sure?" He whispered to me.

I nodded my head and he smashed his lips against mine.

"Do you have something?" I asked against his lips.

I felt him nod and then he pulled my bra and underwear off.


I had my head on his chest, listening to his heart beating. I smiled to myself and turned my head to kiss his chest gently. He stirred awake and started rubbing my back. I felt my eyes getting heavy a little while later and fell asleep.


I woke up and realized I was alone. I was kinda annoyed about it because I just lost my virginity to this guy and he just up and leaves.

I turned around to look at the clock and there was a peice of paper folded on the pillow. I grabbed it and on the front it said Lex.

I opened the peice of paper and it said...

Sorry I had to leave. I didn't want to wake you up. Call me when you get ready and we can go get breakfast.


I smiled to myself and went to get ready.

Half hour later I was calling Alex.


"Hey. It's me."

"Lex. Sorry I left this morning. My mom wanted me to drive my sister and her freinds to the mall."

He sounded really sorry so I smiled and said, "It's okay. Did you want to get breakfast?"

"If you want to. Pick you up in ten?"


I hung up the phone and jumped around and laughed and then I realized how sore I was. I was still so happy right now. I have to tell Emily but I want to tell her in person. I'll wait till after breakfast.

I was still smiling when I heard the doorbell ring. I ran downstairs and opened the door then I jumped into Alex's arm and smashed my lips against his. I felt him smile and he just kissed me back.

I pulled apart and he said, "Someone's in a good mood."

I laughed nervously and looked down. He grabbed my chin in his hand and kissed me lightly on the lips.

"Are you hungry?" He asked in a soothing voice.

I smiled up at him and said, "Yeah."

We walked to the car and he opened the door for me. We drove to the diner that had the best french toast and thats exactly what I ordered.

We stayed in the diner for two hours talking about nothing specific. I felt really comfortable with him.

He dropped me off at home a little while later.

"I'll call you tonight." He said, poking his head out the window.

I looked over at him and smiled and said, "Okay. Talk to you later."

He drove away and I watched his car fade in the distance. After I couldn't see him anymore, I walked inside the house and I knew something felt off. I went to the kitchen and there was nothing out of ordinary so I ran upstairs. I went to my moms room and went inside. I looked around and all her clothes were gone. Her clothes in the closet were gone. Her clothes in her drawer were gone. Everything. Even her makeup and jewlery were gone. I sunk to the ground when realization hit me...

She abandoned me.

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