Chapter Fifteen<3

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Updating cause my fans want me too.

Thank you so much for supporting me. You guys keep me writing.

Love all of you

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And one of my favorite songs-------------------------------->


“Going out with Nate?” Austin asked, coming in my room and sitting on my bed.

I turned around from my full length mirror and said, “Yeah. We're just going to a movie and dinner.”

Austin chuckled and put his hands up in surrender and said, “Hey. Just a question.”

I smiled at him and turned around to finish my make-up.

“Hey Stephen.” Austin said.

I turned around to see Stephen coming in my room and sitting on my bed next to Austin. “What's going on?”

“Nothing. Just making sure you wont do something stupid.” Stephen said.

I laughed and said, “Don't worry. Just an innocent date.”

“It better be.” Stephen growled a little.

I finished and walked over to them and squeezed in between them. “Guys, I'm just trying to be normal. And going out on dates is normal, right?”

Austin laughed and said, “Oh, yeah.”

“Don't encourage my little sister.” Stephen said, reaching over to punch Austin on the arm.

“Hey! Don't punch me.” Austin yelled, punching Stephen back.

“HEY!” I yelled loudly. “Stop. I just did my hair and make-up.”

They both chuckled and Austin said, “Don't be such a girl, Lex.”

I rolled my eyes and the doorbell rang. I smiled and got up and went down the stairs. I heard the boys right behind me. Lesley was standing at the door talking to Nate and smiling at him. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

Nate looked up when I was close to the bottom of the stairs and smiled at me. I smiled back. I walked over to him and he said, “You look beautiful.”

I smiled even bigger and said, “Thank you. You look good too.”

“Be home by 11:30 Alexis.” My dad said, smiling.

“11:30? Isn't that a little late, dad?” Austin said.

I glared at him then turned around to look at Nate and said, “Let's go. Bye dad. Bye losers.”

I grabbed Nate's hand and pulled him out the door. He led me to his car and opened the door for me. When I got in he shut the door and walked over to the drivers side.

“Thanks for going out with me, Lex.” He said, smiling at me.

I looked at him and smiled. “Nate. Why are you thanking me?”

“Because I know you've been through a lot and I didn't want to rush you into anything but I really like you.”

I smiled again and said, “I'm fine. And I'm glad you asked me out.”

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