Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Lexi." Dr. Scott called my name.

I looked over at him from the seat I was waiting in with Stephen and huffed out a breath and got up. I walked past him into his office and sat down on the sofa. He sat down at his desk and gave me a cocky looking grin.

"Nice to see you back." He said with that grin plastered on his face.

"No other choice." I said casually, wrapping my arms over my chest and leaning against the sofa.

"Right." He leaned back in his chair and said, "Do you wanna talk about anything?"

"Sure. Let's talk about how my life is so F'ed up and I'm being forced to come here and my best friend is a lying whore and my boyfriend hates me and my ex boyfriend just showed up and said that he still has feelings for-" I looked up mid sentence and saw him staring at me with a smile on his face. "Do you find my babbling amusing?"

"Yes. Actually. I do." He said casually.

I raised my eyebrows at him and said, "Are you kidding me?"

"No. I mean... We're actually getting somewhere here. It's great."

"You're happy about finally being able to get inside my head." I stated.

He gave me his cute signature grin. "I'm happy you're finally letting someone in. So, what did you do to make your boyfriend so mad at you?"

I cocked my head to the side and said, "You remembered that?"

"I'm a therapist. I'm supposed to remember stuff."


"So. What happened."

I took in a deep breath and said, "I kissed my ex boyfriend from Chicago. He came here and wanted to see me."

"Maybe you wanted a reason to end it with him?" He questioned.

"With Nate? No way. He great. I mean, he's not the guy that I want to spend the rest of my life with but he's so amazing."

"You already found the one you want to spend the rest of your life with?"

I shrugged and said, "I don't know. Maybe. But he want's nothing to do with me."

"Why's that?"

"His sister died of anorexia and I think it scares him to get too close to me."

He nodded his head and said, "Makes sense. What caused your anorexia? I mean, when did it start."

"It's, um, complicated." I stuttered.

"Care to explain?"

I shook my head and said, "It's not worth explaining."

"Did something happen to you?" He asked with concern.

"Don't act like you care."

"Lexi, I do care. That's why I'm here."

"You're here because you're getting paid."

"That's not why I took this job. The money has nothing to do with it." He got up and came over to the chair next to the sofa and said, "Alexis. If I be honest with you, will you be honest with me?"

I stared him straight in the eyes and nodded my head.

"I became a therapist because my brother committed suicide when I was ten because he suffered from depression. He wouldn't talk to anyone and ever sense then, I knew I wanted to help people."

I gave him a sad smile and said, "I'm really sorry."

He smiled at me too and said, "Lexi. I'm hereto help you. Not because I'm getting paid or for my benefit but I'm doing it because I do care. And if I can help you from hurting yourself then I'll do it."

I didn't realize I was crying until I felt a tear slide down my cheek and on my hand. "It's stupid."

"What is?"

"My mom had this boyfriend that lived with us for a few months." I took a deep breath and continued. "I was about fourteen and my mom was working late and he was out at the bars." I closed my eyes and saw everything that happened that night.

"Alexis? Do you want to take a break?"

I shook my head and opened my eyes. "I remember I was doing homework in my room when I heard laughing and something break downstairs. I knew it was James and I knew he was drunk. I went over to my door and listened. He had friends with him. I ignored it and went back to my homework. A few minutes later,-" I swallowed the lump in my throat and said, "One of his friends came into my room and smiled at me. Next thing I knew he was on top of me kissing me. I was to scared and shocked to scream or fight. After that I was always too sick to eat and then I got so used to not eating that when I tired, I never could." I looked down at the ground when I felt him grab my hand.

"Alexis. Does your mom or dad or anyone know about what happened?"

I laughed a little and said, "No." I looked up at him and said, "What was I supposed to do? Cry rape and then have my mom accuse me of being a drama queen? And my dad wasn't really in the picture. I mean, we only really saw each other once a month and it's not really something you wanna hear over the phone."

"I think you should tell your dad, Lexi. It'll help to get it off your chest."

"No. It'll only make him regret taking me in even more. And it'll give him an even bigger excuse to watch my every move. I can't change what happened over two years ago so it doesn't matter."

"You're still suffering from it. It's clear from the anorexia."

"My anorexia has nothing to do with that anymore. I'm having problems with it because I'm so used to it."

"Alexis. It's okay to let your shield down every once in awhile. Be honest with your dad." He cocked his head to the side and said, "Promise me you'll consider it."

"Can you promise me something?" I whispered.

He gave me a sad smile and said, "Of course. What is it?"

"Promise me that you'll always be honest with me, too."

He laughed lightly and said, "I promise."

"Okay. Then I promise to consider telling my dad. Maybe if I tell him I can get out of getting in trouble for skipping."

He raised his eyebrows.

I smiled at him and said, "I'm kidding. Kind of."

He chuckled and followed me to the door.

Before I opened the door, I turned to him and said, "Thanks Gregory."

He laughed and said, "I'll see you next week, Alexis."

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