Chapter Eight<3

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Tell me what you guys think about me doing a Kellen P.O.V.


The week passed without incident. It was pretty boring in classes and all everybody did was stare at me. It was finally Friday though, and the girls and I were looking forward to having a girls night. They all couldn't wait to go to my house.

“So. We're hitting the mall for a few hours and then we'll head to Lexi's”

We all looked at Courtney and nodded.

We piled into Kelly's huge SUV and drove to the mall. We spent hours shopping and talking and looking at boys. I'm still not sure if Alex and I are still together, if we ever were. I never called him back because I've been so busy but he hasn't put any effort into calling me either.


I looked up at Kelly and shook myself mentally. “Huh?”

She raised her eyebrows and said, “Are you ready?”

“Oh. Um, yeah.”

I got up from the table and grabbed all my bags and followed the other three to Kelly's SUV.

“I can't wait to wear my new boots to school on Monday.”Alisha said, jumping in her seat next to me a little.

I looked at her and laughed. “They are super cute. I'm jealous they didn't have them in my size.”

She looked at me with a sad smile and said, “I know. That was a bummer.”

I laughed and we pulled in front of the huge gate.

Kelly looked at me and I said, “Just punch in 1960.”

She punched it in and the gate opened and she drove forward.

“I have never seen your house before. It's huge.” Courtney said, looking at me.

Kelly turned around in her seat to look at me too and said, “Yeah. What does your dad do again?”

I shrugged and said, “He's CEO of some company. I don't know. Let's go.”

They all got out and followed me into the house.

Anna greeted us at the door with a huge grin on her face. “Have you guys eaten yet?”

“Um. No.” I replied back to her with a small laugh.

“Well good. Kellen and Stephen went to go get pizza. I ordered a lot so I hope you girls are all hungry.”

We all nodded and I said, “Come on. Let's go put our stuff in my room before the boys get back.

They followed me up the stairs to my room.

“It's so pretty.” Courtney said while the others nodded in agreement.

“Thanks. Anna designed it.” I said with a smile.

“She's really good.” Alisha said.

“I know. And she's a lawyer.”

They all looked at me in shock.

I laughed at their expressions and said, “I know. Right? It's kinda shocking to me too.”

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