Chapter Nine<3

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I haven't really talked to Kellen in awhile and I really didn't want to. I was way too worried about what he might say.

He was avoiding me and it kind of bothered me that he was. He was so tempted to figure out if I was anorexic and then he just gives up. Maybe it was because of Stephen.

I got out of bed after I finished my ranting in my head and went to get ready for school. I really hate Mondays even though I was looking forward to seeing the girls.

After taking my shower and blow drying and straightening my hair I went to go downstairs. Kellen was walking out of Stephens room just as I walked out of mine. We stared at each other for a few seconds and then he went to push past me to go downstairs.

“Kellen. Wait.” I said and grabbed his arm gently.

He tugged his arm out of my grip and then started walking downstairs; completely blowing me off.

I felt someone staring at me and turned around to see Stephen standing behind me. I didn't even hear him come out of his room.

“Stephen. He didn't do anything to me.” I said, pleading him with my eyes.

“I don't care Alexis. Stay away from him.” He growled lowly at me.

“We live in the same house. How am I supposed to stay away from him?”

“Keep doing what you have been.”

I shook my head and walked downstairs. I heard him behind me but I didn't even glance behind me. I got to the kitchen and just sat down and started eating the mixed fruit that was in front of me.

A few minutes later I heard Austin come bounding down the stairs.

“Good morning fellas!” He said a little too enthusiastically.

I looked out of the corner of my eyes at him and he was looking around the table and slowly, his grin was fading. “Wow. Some people didn't have their Wheaties this morning.”

I held back laughter. This is why I loved Austin. He could make me laugh even when I didn't want to.

“Good morning guys.”

I looked over to see Anna grinning at all of us. And slowly, her grin started fading. She must be sensing the tension.

“What's going on?” She asked.

“Nothing.” I said quickly.

She looked between me and the boys. “Okay. I'll let it go for now. Stephen?”

He looked up and stared at his mom and waited for her to ask him whatever she was going to.

“I need you to drive Lesley to the doctors. The school already knows that I need you to leave early. So Kellen.” He looked up at her quickly. “You take the Malibu so you, Austin and Lexi can get home, alright?”

He shook his head and then went back to eating his breakfast. I saw Stephen rolling his eyes when he thought no one was looking.


“I don't know. But there is seriously something going on with Stephen and Kellen.” I said to Kelly after I explained what happened from when I walked out of my room to the time we all left for school, which Stephen made me ride with him and told Austin to go with Kellen and the whole way Stephen didn't say one word to me.

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