Chapter Four<3

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I am so sorry I haven't updated. College homework is alot harder than I thought. I've been so busy with that that I haven't had time to update. Please forgive me.

Please don't forget to comment, vote, and fan. The more I get the faster I will post. SO DON"T FORGET ( ;

Anyways. Thanks for your patience guys.



"This is Marshal. I’m not here to answer my phone so leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can."

I screamed in frustration and threw my phone at the wall. The one time I needed him to actually answer and he doesn’t.

I picked my phone up off the ground. Thank god it wasn't broken. I went through the list and found my dad's home phone number. I never called it cause I was always afraid that Anna or one of the boys might answer and I really didn't like talking to them.

“Hello.” My dad answered on the third ring and he sounded really annoyed and like he'd just woke up.

“Hello!” He said again and I could here him getting angry. “Who is this?”

“Dad.” I whispered quietly.

He was quiet for a minute and said, “Alexis? Why are you calling me? It's one in the morning here.”

“I know.” I replied quietly again.

“If you know then why are you calling me? This couldn't wait till later?” I could hear anger in his voice and it made me get angry.

“NO DAD! IT COULD NOT WAIT!” I yelled into the phone with a shaky voice.

He was quiet for a minute letting my sobs quiet down and he had worry in his voice when he said, “Lexi. What's going on? Where are you?”

I heard Anna say something in the background but I didn't understand it. My sobs were coming out strong and I couldn't control them.

“Alexis! Whats going on?”

I managed to calm down and I said, “Mom's gone.”

“What do you mean she's gone?”

“I came home and everything of hers was gone. All her clothes, jewelry. Everything. I even tried calling her cell phone and it's no longer in service.”

Tears started rolling down my face again and my dad said, “Lexi. Go to Emily's and I'll be there as soon as I can.”

I nodded my head and realized that he couldn't see me so I said, “Okay.”

He hung up and I called Emily.

She answered on the fourth ring and she sounded very sleepy.

“Emily.” I said with quiet sobs escaping.

“Lexi. What's wrong?”

“My mom's gone and my dad told me to call you and go over there. Is it okay?”

“Wait. What?”

“I'll explain everything. Can you just come get me?”

“Um. Yeah. Sure. I'll be there in five minutes.”


Five minutes later I was outside in the driveway with some clothes in a duffel bag and getting into Emily's car.

I started crying when we looked at each other and I spilled my guts to her. I told her about the amazing night I had with Alex and how I woke up to him being gone and how he left a note on my pillow. I told her how he took me to breakfast and when he dropped me off I went into the house and felt something wrong and how I ran upstairs to my mom's room only to find everything she owned gone. I told her I sat there for hours wondering what I should do and decided to call my dad and I told him everything and then it led to this moment.

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