Chapter Ten<3

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My heart broke everyday I didn't see Kellen and I didn't know why. I mean... I'm the one who told him he messed everything up so why do I feel this way?

He's been avoiding me for days now. I saw him at dinner and that was it. He didn't drive with us to school anymore (Bobby started picking him up), and whenever we were in the same room he ignored me and didn't even look at me. I missed him and it freaked me out that I felt that way.


Kelly dropped me off at home sense the boys had practice and Anna and my dad were at a dinner party for his clients so I was home alone. At least I thought I was until I heard giggling coming from Kellen's room when I walked in the front door. I stood there confused for a minute. He's supposed to be at practice.

As I approached his bedroom, I saw the bedroom door was opened a crack. I looked in through the small crack and saw Kellen and a girl on his bed making out. Half their clothes were off, I noticed. I turned away from the door and walked to the kitchen.

"What are you doing here?" I heard a voice behind me.

I turned around, startled to see Kellen pulling on his shirt. "Holy shit! You scared me."

Just as I was calming my breathes down I heard footsteps and then the girl entered the kitchen. She was pretty but totally not Kellen's type. She was petite and she had long blonde hair. She was glaring at me and I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Why did you leave babe?" She asked, touching his upper arm.

He ignored her and kept his eyes on me. The girl was getting angry that he wasn't paying attention to her.

"Why aren't you at practice?" I asked him.

"Because I didn't feel like going?" He replied back. "Why do you care?"

I shrugged and said, "I don't," and then I walked past them and went upstairs to my room.

As I was walking away I heard the girl say, "Is that the girl who Bobby is after?"

I tensed up at that and ran to my bedroom and shut the door behind me.


I was studying when my cell started to ring. I picked it up from the bed-side table and looked at it. I didn't recognize the number. I was kind of worried it might be Bobby.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Lexi! It's me. Please don't hang up." The voice said in a fast blur.

Emily. I recognized her voice the instant she spoke and hearing her voice made my heart flutter. I didn't realize how much I missed her.

I sighed loudly and said, "I'm not going to hang up on you Em."

"You called me by my nickname." I could practically hear her smile.

"Yeah. I guess I did." I said calmly.

"Lex. I miss you and I feel so so bad. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. Please!" She said pleadingly.

I laughed a little and said, "Em. I forgive you. It was stupid anyways."

"It wasn't stupid Lexi. We have this whole boyfriend code and I broke it. I feel so bad."

"Technically you didn't. He wasn't technically my boy friend."

"Yeah. He was a jerk anyways. Chris punched him after he found out we slept together."

"Wait. You and Chris are back together?"

"Um. Yeah."

I chuckled and said, "Good. Don't ruin it. Chris is an amazing guy."

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