Chapter Eleven<3

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All throughout school I was looking for Kellen. I went to his locker after every class to see if he was there and every time he wasn't. I even searched for him in the lunchroom and was way too distracted to pay attention to the girls.

I was getting frustrated by last period. It was obvious that he hadn't came to school today but I still kept looking at the gym doors to see if he'd walk in.

“What's up with you?” Kelly asked, poking me in the side to get my attention.

I looked at her then glanced at the door before turning my attention back to her. “I'm worried about Kellen?”

“Why?” She asked, raising her eyebrows.

“Because he got in a fight with Stephen last night and took off and he never came home.”

“Oh my gosh.” She gasped. “Well did you guys try calling him or texting him or something?”

“Yeah. But he never answered so Anna called him this morning and got a hold of him.”

She shook her head and said, “Well that’s great. Why are you worried if she talked to him?”

“Because Stephen said that he could be acting weird because of me and I want to know if it's true and if it is then why?”

Kelly was about to say something when Austin and two of his friends came up to us. One of the; Ricky; wrapped an arm around her shoulder and she giggled.

Ricky looked at her and said, “So. Are you going to the game tonight?”

She giggled again and then looked at me with pleading eyes. I groaned internally and nodded my head and then she said, “Yup!”

Austin rolled his eyes and Nathan; his other friend; just laughed. He looked at me after rolling his eyes and my stomach fluttered. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

Austin punched him and said, “Nate! Stop eye flirting with my sister.”

Nathan laughed at that and I just rolled my eyes and shook my head.

Austin turned his attention to Ricky and Kelly and Nathan looked at me. “So. I was wondering if you wanted to do something after the game?”

I was shocked for a second before I answered. “I'm not much of a partier.”

He laughed and said, “Neither am I. I was thinking more along the lines of dinner?”

I smiled at him and nodded my head. “Okay.”

“Great. I'll see you at the game.”


He waved at me before jogging off with Austin and Ricky.

I was smiling and staring at them messing around when Kelly cleared her throat. I looked at her and she said, “So. You have a date, huh?”

My smile got even bigger and I nodded. Nate was so hot. He was so muscular and had messy brown hair. And his smile was too die for.

“He's pretty hot isn't he?”

I smiled and said, “If you're talking about Nathan.. Then yeah. He is.”

She laughed at then and then locked her arm with mine and said, “Let's go change and get ready for our dates.”


“I am not wearing that.” I said, protesting another outfit that Kelly picked out of my closet which was a short black strapless dress.

“Why not this one?” She asked, pouting.

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