Chapter Thirteen<3

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I love all of the people who read my storry and support me. You guys are the ones that keep me wanting to write. <3

p.s... PICTURE OF ALEXIS ( : --------------------------------->


Cory was carrying me to the front door when I heard it burst open and Stephen said, “Where the hell have you been?”

“We had to pull over. She got sick.” Cory said.

“Go put her on the couch.”

A few seconds later I felt myself being laid down on the couch. Then the door opened again.

“Austin. What the hell were you thinking?” Stephen started yelling and walking towards the front door.

“I don't want to deal with this right now.” Austin said calmly.

“Austin!” Stephen yelled then I heard him take a deep breath and say, “I know you were angry but you shouldn't have taken him like that. You put Lexi and Kelly in danger.”

“I told them to leave!”

Stephen took another deep breath and said, “Go upstairs and clean up. Mom's gonna freak out when she see's you.”

I sat up to look at Austin and he glanced at me for a second before he started walking away. He didn't look like he seriously got hurt too bad, thank god. I stood up from the couch and Stephen turned around and glared at me.

“Where are you going?” He asked.

“For a walk.” I said simply.

“Not alone. Kellen, go with her.”

“I'm pretty capable of going alone.”

I looked and saw Kellen starting to put his jacket on. I rolled my eyes and walked to the backdoor. Kellen walked next to me and held the door open for me. I rolled my eyes again and walked out.

We walked silently. I knew he wanted to say something but he never did and I didn't force him too. I was walking and I tripped over a root. Kellen reached out and grabbed me before I could fall on my face. I pushed him away from me and said, “I'm not broken. I can walk. I can even walk alone.”

“I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything Lexi. I can't take this whole cold shoulder we've got going on.” He said all in a rush.

“Sorry? This is all your fault! He never would have been interested in me if it weren't for you.”

I saw him close his eyes and he held them shut for a few seconds. “I am so sorry. Lexi. I would have killed him. I still want to kill him. He's only after you because of me.”

“What do you mean because of you?”

“Just forget it.”

He started to walk again but I grabbed his hand before he could walk away. “No. Tell me. What do you mean 'because of me'?”

He looked down at the ground for what seemed like forever. When he looked at me he looked sad.

“Kellen. Why have you been acting so weird around me? Ever sense you found out I was anorexic.”

He winced when I said anorexic. “Lexi. I really hate that word.”

I laughed a little and said, “Me too.”

He smiled at me and grabbed my face in his hands. I was shocked at first but then I realized how comforting it was. “Promise me you wont ever hurt yourself.”

I looked him in the eyes and I had this sudden feeling to want to kiss him. It hit me like a ton of bricks. “Kellen. Do you like me?”

He raised his eyebrows and said, “What? I don't understand what you mean by that.”

“Kiss me.” I whispered.

“Lexi I ca-”

I reached up and crashed my lips against his before he could finish his sentence. It didn't take him long before he started to respond. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I felt something hard against my back and realized he had me against a tree. I opened my mouth to allow his tongue in.

We were kissing and too soon he pulled away. I groaned quietly and he put me down. “We can't do this, Lexi.”

“But I want to.” I said, whining a little.

He took a deep breath and said, “Come on. Let's go back. Stephen's probably freaking out.”

He started to walk away and back towards the house but I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards me. “Kellen. You have feelings for me. Why are you fighting it.”

“Come on Lexi.” He said, pulling me towards the house but I stood my ground.

“Kellen. I'm not leaving until you tell me why you keep pulling away from me. As soon as we start getting close, you pull away.”

He took a deep breath and said, “Lexi. I like you. I don't know why but I do. But I can't. It'll hurt Stephen and he's my best friend.”

“Why would it hurt him? What does he have to do with this?”

“He loves you so much Lexi. And he knows how I am. He'll be bothered by it.”

“How you are?”

“I don't like being tied down. I like to be able to do whatever I want.”

I raised my eyebrows at him. “So to put it more harshly, you like to be able to have sex with whoever you want.”

I waited for him to reply but he just stared at the ground. I shook my head and said, “All guys are the same. They never change, do they?” Then I walked towards the house with him yelling for me and running up next to me.

“Lexi. I'm not good at relationships. I never have been. Please.” He said trying to grab my hand to stop me but I pulled it away from him and kept walking.

I slammed the backdoor in Kellen's face and he opened it back up and walked in. Stephen looked up from the table and shook his head. “Now what happened?”

I walked away so I didn't have to answer him. I just went up to my room with Kelly following close behind. Boy am I glad she's still here.

“Are you okay?” She asked as I crashed face first on my bed.

“No.” I mumbled into the comforter.

She chuckled and said, “What happened?”

“I kissed Kellen.”

“Wait! You what?”

I took a deep breath and said, “I told him I liked him and he said that we couldn't be together.”

“That boy's in denial.”

I raised my head and looked at her with my eyebrows raised. “What do you mean?”

She laughed and said, “He doesn't just like you Lexi. He's in love with you.”

“If he's in love with me then why doesn't he try harder to be with me?”

“Bros before hoes.” She said simply. “Your brother is his best friend.”

“I wouldn't care if one of my brothers dated one of my friends. Why would Stephen care if I dated Kellen.”

“He might not but he's known Stephen forever so he's probably thinking about his feelings before he reacts on his.”

“Ugh. This is why I don't like dating.”

Kelly laughed and said, “Hey. You better get used to it. You have a ton of guys after you.”

“Funny.” I said sarcastically.

She laughed and said, “You know it's true.”

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