Chapter Eighteen<3

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"Alexis. Alexis, wake up."

I groaned internally and opened my eyes and saw I was somewhere I didn't recognize. I raised my eyebrows and said, "Where am I?"

"You're in the hospital."

I looked at where the voice was coming from and it was an older guy; maybe in his late thirties; in a white coat. I looked over to my other side and saw my dad and Anna sitting down in chairs looking at me.

"Alexis. When was the last time you ate?"

"Yesterday afternoon. I was tired so I fell asleep early and then I wasn't feeling good when I woke up this morning."

"You've been really tired lately, haven't you?"

I sat up which made me feel nauseous but I ignored it and said, "Yeah. I have. Who cares?"

"Well, Alexis. The reason why you've been feeling tired is because your body is using all your energy just to function." I raised my eyebrows at him and he continued. "I saw your medical records. You're just lucky it hasn't gotten as bad as the last few times this has happened."

"Last few times?" My dad questioned.

I shut my eyes for a second and then opened them to see the doctor looking back and forth between my dad and I.

"Alexis. You've only been in the hospital once because of this." My dad said, burning holes into me.

I looked down and started picking at my nails. This is exactly what I wanted to avoid.

"Alexis! You better explain right now!" My dad yelled. I heard Anna trying to calm him down. "ALEXIS!"

"It only happened two more times after the first, dad." I whispered.

"ONLY TWO! AND WHY DIDN'T YOUR MOTHER TELL ME ABOUT THIS?" He yelled, getting louder and louder.

"Honey. I think you should calm down." Anna said calmly.

My dad ignored Anna and yelled at me to speak up.

I was getting kind of scared and I couldn't look my dad in the eyes. I was looking down at my pale hands and whispered, "I told her not to call you. I told her that I would. She thought that I did."

"I can't believe this!" My dad said, sounding disgusted. I saw him look at the doctor out of the corner of my eye and then my dad said, "Dr. Mark. What do you suggest we do?"

Dr. Mark looked at me for a second and turned back to my dad. "There's a rehab facility just out of town that could-"

"Rehab? You can't send me to rehab!" I yelled. "Please. This won't happen again. I promise."

My dad completely ignored me and said, "Do you have the number?"

"Dad! Please." I looked at Anna and pleaded with her with my eyes. She just looked at me with sad and apologetic eyes. Tears were welling in the corners of my eyes. I didn't even hear what the doctor said to my dad but they both walked out of the room.

"Honey. I know you're upset. But it's the best thing for you. It'll help you." Anna said, putting her hand on my shoulder but I jerked my shoulder away and ignored her.

I heard her take a deep breath and then her heels started clicking on the floor and then I heard the door open and close. I started crying even harder. I can't believe they are sending me to rehab. I'll never forgive them for this.


After awhile, I heard them my dad, Anna and the doctor come back in but I didn't even look at them. I didn't even want them here. I didn't want them anywhere near me.

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