Chapter Twenty<3

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"Okay. Get going guys. Lexi... I'll see you after school." Anna said.

I looked up from my bowl of fruit and nodded my head. I ate the last piece and got up. I grabbed my bag and followed the guys out to the garage. I ran to Kellen's car and waited by the door. He looked at me with a weird look and hesitantly unlocked the door. I got in and buckled my seat belt.

He got in and looked at me and said, "What are you doing?"

"Going to school."

He raised his eyebrows at me for a second before looking forward and starting the car.

After we finally got on the road I took a deep breath and said, "Listen. I know you're kinda upset about everything and I just wanted to say sorry."

"I'm not upset Lexi." He replied without even looking at me.

"You're a liar. I know about your sister, Kellen."

I saw him tense up for a second but then he went back to normal. He didn't say anything though.

"Say something, Kellen. Yell at me for being so stupid. Scream. Cry. Something. But please don't stop talking to me."

He stopped the car and I saw we were at school. I looked back at him and he was staring at me.

"Stephen had no right to tell you about that." He growled.

"Why? Why weren't you the one to tell me? Huh?"

I could see he was getting angry. He was looking out the windshield before turning to me and yelling, "BECAUSE IT WAS NONE OF YOUR BUISNESS!"


I opened the car door and got out and slammed it shut. I walked off towards the building to find Kelly.

"Hey, Kell."

Kelly turned towards me and smiled. "Hey, Lex. You know. I would hit you right now for not calling me but I don't want to hurt your fragile self."

I laughed and said, "Thanks."

She smiled at me and said, "I was so worried about you."

"Yeah. So was everyone else. It was annoying."

Kelly rolled her eyes and finished fishing in her locker.

"Ladies." Ricky said, grabbing Kelly and giving her a quick kiss.

Kelly giggled and grabbed him to kiss him again.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Nate and smiled at him. I leaned forward to kiss him for a few seconds before pulling away and saying, "How are you?"

"I should ask you the same thing."

I smiled at him and said, "I'm fine."

"Good." He said and pecked me on the lips.

"Wanna head to class?"


He grabbed my hand in his and we walked off towards class with Kelly and Ricky close behind.


After school, I walked out of the school towards the pickup lot. I knew Anna would already be there. She's always early. I thought about lying and saying that I had detention but I figured that wasn't a good idea.

I saw her car and walked towards it. I got in the front seat and buckled up.

"How was school?" She asked while starting the car and backing out.

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