Chapter Twelve<3

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I turned around to see Nate, Ricky and Austin. I smiled at them and started walking over to them with Kelly by my side. I reached Nate and wrapped my arms around his waist. He didn't hesitate wrapping his arms around me.

“Where do you guys wanna go to eat?” Ricky asked.

“Oh. I'm starving. Let's go to The Diner.” Kelly said.

Nate, Austin and Ricky chuckled and I just rolled my eyes.

“Come see my new car.” I said with a huge smile on my face.

“Dad gave it to you?” Austin said with excitement. “You know how hard it was keeping that a secret?”

We all laughed and started walking towards my car.

“Dude. This is even better than the pictures.” Austin said, looking into the car.

“I know, right.” I said with excitement.

Ricky looked around the car then said, “Well, Me, Kelly and Austin will take my car. You and Nate can drive together. We'll meet up at The Diner.”

We all shook our heads and the others started walking off towards Ricky's car. I threw my car keys at Nate and he automatically reached his hands up to catch them. I smiled and said, “You drive?”

He laughed and said, “Okay.”

We were just about to get into the car when I heard someone yell for me. I turned around and saw Stephen, Kellen and two other guys from the team walking towards us.

When they finally reached us Stephen looked at me and said, “Where are you two going?”

I rolled my eyes and said, “To get something to eat. We have to go. The others are waiting for us.”

I went to get in the car again when Stephen reached out and grabbed my hand. “Don't stay out to late.”

I tugged my arm out of his grip and said, “Come on Nate. Let's go.”

We drove out of the parking lot and I turned to see Stephen and Kellen glaring at our disappearing figures.

“A little over-protective of you, huh?”

I looked at Nate and laughed a little before saying, “Yeah. It annoys me.”

He laughed and took a hand off the wheel to grab mine. I looked at our hands entwined and then looked at him and gave him a small smile. We were silent the rest of the ride but it was a comfortable silence.

We got to The Diner and everyone was waiting by the door for us.

“What took so long?” Austin asked us.

“Stephen.” I replied simply.

We walked into The Diner and sat down. A waitress came over to us and took our drink orders.


We were all laughing and eating when I looked up and saw Bobby. He had just came in with his group and he looked straight at me and smiled.

He started walking over to us and I looked down at my salad.

“Well well well. Look who we have here. Loserville.” Bobby said.

“Go torture someone who wont kill you.” Austin said in a bored tone.

Bobby and his friends laughed. “Your brother wont do shit. And neither will you.” Bobby said, starting to fume with anger. Then he looked at me and said, “I haven't seen you around lately. You know what I said before don't you?”

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