Watch medicine: 3

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Otis and Mary Balefire, were once known for being the beautiful new foreign couple, shortly after they became the couple with the only set of twin boys.

As time passed, they became known as trusted farmers, that no one really saw out and about and if asked no one would be able to recall seeing them look truly happy since having their sons.

"Why do we have to do this in some stranger's mausoleum?" Otis asked, he always hated the rituals and dark side to magic.

"The dead here is a sister witch, which means there is dormant magic here, powerful magic." Mary replied.

Otis appeared uneasy. "I just need to contain it in this, it won't take long." she held up the silver watch that they bought for Johven.

They got a bronze for Cole and would enchant it next.

"Will it be powerful enough to draw out his magic?" Otis asked.

"It should be." Mary said, trying to concentrate.

"Maybe I should call her, there must be a better source."

"Look, just because I stopped practicing because you weren't okay with me being who I am, does not mean I forgot how to do what I was raised to." Mary said indignantly.

"I'm sorry, I just want this to work."

"And it will. Sit, give me your hand." Mary said taking out a small knife, she pricked his hand and dripped his blood on the engraving on the silver watch.

"According to your grandmother, your ability would have been levitation, if you practiced. With this drop of your blood we pass your strength to our son Johven Roy Balefire."

The watch lit up for a minute then dimmed.

"It's ice cold." Otis said after touching the silver watch.

"He is a water spirit. It's done. We have to enchant Cole's talisman with an equally powerful source and get them to put these on fast." Mary said standing.

"Why? Lu said they're powers won't fully awaken until..."

"Yes, but it will start affecting them, long before the final ritual. Their talismen will help them control the magic, awaking dormant magic can be dangerous, unstable." She replied.

"Alright, where to next?"

The ground started to shake violently and the walls started to cave in before Mary could think to reply.

She moved to protect the talismen, Otis grabbed her and ran to the exit only to have the roof collapse and trap them in.

"This isn't natural." Mary said.

"We'll get out of this." Otis said, looking for another way out.

"Window!" Otis took up one of the fallen cement blocks and busted the window, he helped his wife out then jumped through as the roof fell.

"I think you were right, that wasn't normal." Otis said looking around, outside of the mausoleum looked normal and there was no sign of an earthquake anywhere else.

"We need to get moving."

"I'm getting a call, it's Charles."

"Hello, Charlie this is not a good-"

"Your son's in the hospital, Mr Baelfire."


Cole was brought to the emergency room where baffled doctors tried to bring his temperature down.

Lu called the Balefires before they could call her.

"His powers are surfacing, you must finish enchanting his talisman and put it on him, nothing they try will save him." Lu said.

Born To Die: The curse of the Baelfire BrothersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora