Ice so cold it burns: 8

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It was cold, it was always cold, but fear added an extra layer of frost.

"Johven, we don't have time to worry about him." Cole said while he continued to fire at the Shaman, he figured he wouldn't be able to focus on manipulating the earth if he was focused on not getting burnt.

Johven was kneeling over Blu, he touched his neck, he was surprised, Blu's skin was incredibly warm and his own fingers were very cold.

Blu opened his eyes dramatically then shifted back to wolf form and tackled the Shaman to the ground, two more wolves emerged from the woods and did the same.

"Ok, now we have to go!" Cole exclaimed grabbing his brother's arm and running off.

They heard the Shaman screaming as they ran away.

Johven almost turned back when he heard one of the wolves cry out in pain.

"Keep running Johven." Cole said.

"I don't even know where we are, where are we running to?"

"Home." Cole replied.

They continued to run until they were out of the woods, they could see their farm.


"Werewolves, vicious and ruthless in myth, loyal and protective in reality. This is the second time they saved you?"

"How do they keep finding me? Not that I'm complaining, they saved our asses back there." Cole said.

"Blu goes to my school, maybe he picked up on my scent." Johven said, the image of Blu turning into a wolf was etched into his mind, more so than seeing him naked which was definitely momentous.

"That doesn't explain the first time."

"These werewolves must protect this place, they might have sensed the Shaman's presence and perceived him to be a threat, they can smell dark magic." Mama Lu said.

"I'm glad you taught us how to cast spells, it really came in handy." Cole said.

"I'm proud of you boys, tonight I teach you how to make potions, specifically a potion that could temporarily strip this Shaman of his magic so you can escape." Mama Lu said.

"Maybe we should stop going out, at least until we know how to use our powers." Cole said.

"I have to be somewhere tonight." Johven replied scratching his arm.

"Johven are you crazy? You're not going anywhere!" Cole said.

"You're crazy if you think you can suddenly tell me what to do." Johven replied.

"Really, after what we just went through you wanna go out? Where are you even going? You never go anywhere..." Cole trailed off then realization hit "Wait, is this about him?"

Johven didn't reply.

"Mama Lu literally told you he was cursed by evil." Cole said.

"She never used that word. I don't care what you think or what she thinks, I'll never forgive either of you for how you treated him, mom and dad would never."

"Mom and dad aren't here." Cole replied.

"That doesn't make you them." Johven said then went up to his room.

He was terrified, on a normal night he wouldn't risk his safety to see anyone, but it would be his last chance to see Charlie.

Blu is a werewolf, oh my God were those other two werewolves Brite and Luke?

Born To Die: The curse of the Baelfire BrothersWhere stories live. Discover now