Into the woods: 22

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"We can't risk staying any longer, we have to bring him back to headquarters, we have to leave this ice box of a country." Marissa said.

"I thought the cold didn't bother you." Maldar said brushing her hair out of her face.

"Not the point. You saw that werewolf, coupled with the fire witch and my deplorable state."

"A great white alpha, you know they get more powerful each time an alpha dies, if the next in line is alive when the previous alpha dies, he absorbs their strength. That's why he was so powerful." Maldar replied.

"I don't care why he's so powerful, I may not be at my full strength, but I can still detect danger and smell death and the death I smell is not that of our enemies." Marissa said indignantly.

"You don't need to convince me, it's just a shame, that alpha would have been a true prize." Maldar said then his phone started to ring, he froze and Marissa's eyes widened.

"Its her."

Maldar handed her the phone.


"Marissa, the relic hunters have located the tethered, thee tethered. "

"You don't mean..."

'Yes, the Crown of Hades."

"I'm assuming you're calling me because its here, is this tethered still dormant?" Marissa asked.

"Yes, you'll need the hounds. You know how this goes, whoever this is has to be your next host." Maria said.

"Yes, I understand however I will still need the boy, I won't be able to stay in this state for too long and I suppose it will take some time to make this tethered a willing vessel, I will need to be at full strength." Marissa said.

"Anything it takes. Get it done."

"It's handled." Marissa replied..

"Oh, and another thing Marissa."


"The one with the eternal flames, I want him." Maria said then hung up before Marissa could respond.


The next day it started to rain as early as the sun started to rise, the earth was already soaking and the air was thick and unforgiving.

The water pounded the ground and sounded like a thousand soldiers marching with great purpose into a fresh battle against the sunlight.

Cole woke up with the first rain drop and sped over to the Anuwats where Blu and Luke were trying to convince their pack to help them rescue Johven.


"So once this is over you go back to Thailand?" Cole asked Blu who was trying to explain what was going on in his family.

"Either that or they use violence to get me to come back."


"Every pack needs an alpha, not just to lead, but having an alpha in your pack makes the pack members stronger and another that's specific to our kind is that the Queen of the Werewolves can't use her mind control on us nor can the vampires." Luke said.

"That's why they've spent forever trying to make great white werewolves go extinct." Blu said.

"What other kinds are there?" Cole asked.

"Well there are regular werewolves, humans who can transform into wolves, regular sized wolves and then their are man wolves, we don't really know if they're real, but they are supposed to be the strongest." Luke replied.

Born To Die: The curse of the Baelfire BrothersWhere stories live. Discover now