Love me Tender: 7

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Dear diary, It's always been him, it's always been him, from the very first time in the barn, even then I felt so safe in his arms, I'll never be ashamed of what happened between us.

But I know he is, and I know he carries a lot of guilt because of it, I also know he is confused and even though I know my heart belongs to him, Blu still excited me, there was a spark inside him and it flared every time we passed each other in the halls.

"Hey, earth to Johven, what are you even looking for?" Miles asked grabbing one of the books Johven had in front of him.

"Witchcraft for dummies." Miles read the title of one of the books.

"You've really been into this stuff lately." Tamera said.

"Its for this.. passion project. The book I want isn't here." Johven said.

"What are you looking for, exactly?" Tamera asked.

"Something on Talisman and familiars." Johven replied hesitantly.

"The library downtown should have something for you." Tamera said.

"I don't know if I wanna go downtown today, but I just might."

"Cool, I'm going to class." Tamera said.

"Same, we have lit in a few minutes, Joh." Miles said.

"I'll be there in a minute." Johven replied and they left the library.

Johven was taking pictures of important chapters in the few books he could find on magic when someone sat next to him.

"Blu, hi." He jumped frightened, he ended up dropping his phone, they both reach down to pick it up.

"Thank you." Johven said.

Blu's intense dark brown eyes scrutinized the books laid out in front of him, then he looked at Johven.

"Sawasdee Krab, nong' Joh." Blu said, Thai people added Nong to the names of younger Thai companions and siblings.

"Hey, I'm the same age as you, Nong doesn't apply, Phi'Blu."

"You remind me of my younger brother, his name is Joe, he's in Thailand."

"I bet you miss him."

"I do. What about your brother?" Blu asked.

"What about him?"

"Are you too close?" Blu asked staring at Johven, he locked him in. Johven found it impossible to look away.

"Not really."

"How long have you been curious about the occult?" Blu asked.


"Blu." Brite and Luke called.

"Khuy kạb khuṇ p̣hāyh̄lạng nong Joh." Blu said then went with his brothers.

"Whoa, that was trippy."


Cole had decided to stay home, he was in the barn writing spells when Charlie dropped by.

"Hey, Cole."


"Shouldn't you be at school?" Charlie asked.

"Shouldn't you be in college?"

"Hah, I almost forgot how much I don't like you. You know when your parents are coming back?"

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