Up in flames: 24

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The wolf growled and pinned Johven to the ground roughly.

"Come on boys, you don't want everyone to die, like your poor mother and father." Marissa said landing in front of Cole with a sick smile on her face.

"What?" Cole replied dubiously.

"Go my children, I smell their deaths already, kill everyone in Mellow cove, make sure you go to the Shapter and Carver residents first." Marissa shouted and the werewolves ran off with the hell hounds, only Blu remained.

"No!" Cole shouted, she grabbed his throat and lifted him into the air then threw him to one of the vampires.

"Cole, its true, they sacrificed themselves, for us."

"Guys we have to stop them, my mom and everyone is gonna die!" Blu exclaimed.

"Their deaths will give me the strength I've been missing, I can taste it on the air already." Marissa said when her hair caught fire, then her entire body, the vampires holding onto Cole and every other vampire in sight started to burn.

"Cole! No that's still my mom!" Charlie shouted..

Cole levitated into the air and everything started to catch fire as he levitated higher.

"Johven you have to stop him!" Charlie shouted as Marissa screamed in pain along with the vampires.

Johven summoned his water spirit and used it to lift himself into the air next to Cole.

"Cole you have to stop, you're gonna kill everyone." Johven said.

Marissa rolled around on the ground screaming, Charlie fell to his knees crying.

Johven engulfed her with his water spirit and put out the flames, she was horribly burned and unconscious, the water surrounded her and he could hear Jennica, Charlie's mother.

"The Banshee is gone, I don't hear her inside Charlie's mother's mind."

Everything around them continued to burn, Charlie lifted up his mother and kept her away from the flames.

"Everything must burn." Cole said.

Trees caught fire and started to fall, the vampires were burning down to the bone.

"Follow me!" Charlie shouted, Blu followed him to the manor where the fire hadn't reached yet.

"Cole, please let go." Johven said trying to get as close as possible, but his brother's entire body was on fire and he could feel the intense heat coming off of him.

He summoned his water spirit and surrounded his borther with it, the water continued to expand until it shot up into the air then rained down and put out the flames.

Cole started to cry as he landed, Johven held him as their feet hit the ground, they both closed their eyes and embraced each other.

They cried for their parents, they cried for their memories, their home, their grandmother and their future.

They had no idea what would happen to them, where they would go or who would take care of them, but they made a silent promise right then and there to keep each other safe.

"What a sweet moment." A woman said in a deep unholy voice.

They parted and opened their eyes to see a transparent woman with long white hair and grey skin floating above them.

"Oh my God."

"No, not God, but close." She said.

"That's the Banshee, her spirit was forced out when I started to heal Jennica." Johven said.

Born To Die: The curse of the Baelfire BrothersWhere stories live. Discover now