Familiar: 9

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"You must fight, you and your brother must fight together."

Cole ran into Charlie's yard and blasted the Shaman as he helped up the Banshee.

The Banshee turned and unleashed her sonic scream on him, he was immediately disabled, he grabbed his ears and fell to his knees.

"Cole, you must become the fire, once you do that her scream will not affect you!" Mama Lu shouted, the Shaman got back up and trapped her in the ground.

"No!" Johven screamed, he and Charlie were on their way down the ladder, the Shaman shook the earth and they both fell off the ladder.

The Shaman then trapped Cole and the Banshee stopped screaming.

"Which of them is the one?" The Shaman asked.

"That one, the one they call Johven. Take him!" She demanded.

"Johven!" Cole screamed.

"Don't come near him." Charlie said standing in front of Johven protectively.

The Shaman hit him with a rock and pushed him out of the way.

"No! Don't hurt my son!" The Banshee screamed, but it was in a different voice.

It was Jennica, Charlie's mother.

"Mom!" Charlie exclaimed.

The Shaman grabbed Johven and started to tie him up. The Banshee looked like she was fighting to take back control.

"Get away from my brother!" Cole exclaimed, he blasted his way out of the hole, the Banshee lunged at him and threw him into his father's car.

"Be careful, she has super human strength, you cannot fight her hand to hand!" Mama Lu said.

They heard growling before they saw the huge white wolves, it was only two of them.

They tackled the Shaman, Cole got up and blasted the Banshee.

"Don't hurt her!" Charlie shouted.

"Cole, it's his mom." Johven said.

"What?" Cole asked confused.

The woman glowed and sonic screamed louder than she did before, everyone stopped what they were doing and fell to their knees, screaming for their ears, even the werewolves and the Shaman.

The wolves regressed to their human forms.

The Banshee flew into the air and focused on Cole, she zeroed in on him and him alone with her scream, his ears started to bleed.

"Cole, you must become the fire!" Mama Lu screamed.

"Cole!" Johven ran in front of his brother and attempted to move him out of her range, the Banshee tossed him aside, he hit his head and was out cold.

"Grab him, I have no use for this one. I am going to take care of him now." The Banshee demanded.

"No." Cole screamed, he tried to stand, but the Banshee unleashed her sonic scream, the Shaman went to grabbed Johven the werewolves attacked him and ripped off his right arm, they moved swiftly on their feet so that he could not manipulate the earth beneath them.

Cole felt like he was about to explode, when he felt every single cell in his body become fire, he felt himself become fire, everything he was wearing eviscerated.

He blasted the Banshee, she dodged then flew into Charlie's house.

Charlie went to Johven and lifted him off the ground, he held him in his arms bridal style.

Born To Die: The curse of the Baelfire BrothersWhere stories live. Discover now