Vampires, Werewolves and Witches: 20

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"Glad you're alright, dear Ezekiel." Maldar said as Ezekiel got up.

"Me too. I'm sorry Captain, I let my guard down. I did not expect the eternal flames."

"Don't let it happen again. Thank the witch then go join your brother." Maldar said then sped off with Marissa.

"Thank you for saving me." Ezekiel said.

"You attacked my brother. Did you hurt him?"

"Wasn't able to." Ezekiel said then turned and walked away.

"He won't be so lucky next time."

"Maybe I should have let him burn." Johven said then called back his water spirit.

"You're too weak, you would have never let him suffer like that, you could barely stand it." Charlie said.

"Doesn't matter how you word your observations. I can tell you remember who you are, you're not fully lost." Johven said touching his chest sheepishly with one finger.

"I'm not lost at all. I'm enlightened." Charlie replied and Johven noticed a strange marking on his neck.

"What is that?" Johven asked, it looked like the letter H.

"You'll know soon enough."


"Johven how was the movie? Where's your brother?" Mr. Shapter asked Cole who was just coming back.

He and the werewolves decided to look for Johven in the morning.

"He actually came home early, he and his girl had a fight, he's asleep." Cole said putting his hands in his pocket.

Miles walked into the room, he half expected to see Johven after hearing his dad call his name.

"That doesn't sound like Cole."

"Yeah, he's actually texting her now, it looks like they made up." Miles said.

"That's nice. I'm glad you boys are back before curfew. I know it's not a school night, but try not to stay up too late." Mr. Shapter said then went to his room.

"Cole! What happened?"

"Not here, Miles."


They went up to his room, Cole dug through Johven's back pack and looked for a book that could explain what he did.

"Cole, what happened?" Miles asked anxiously.

"We were attacked by vampires."

"Vampires!," Miles shouted, "Vampires are real?" He whispered.

"Yeah, the zombie Shaman was there too."

"How did you guys escape?"

"I set one of them on fire, fire that he was unable to put out. It was f#cking amazing. I have no idea how I did it or if I can did it again." Cole said.

"What are you looking for?" Miles asked.

"I need to learn how to use this power, it could be the key to getting Johven back."

"Maybe this could help." Miles said handing him a book titled eternal flames.

"Let me see that." Cole said grabbing the book and flipping through it frantically.

"No way I'm going to school Monday, I need to know Johven is safe." Miles said.

"The eternal flames can be summoned by powerful fire spirits. The amber flames of hell, once it is summoned it cannot be put out and the flames follow the victim to their death, even in spirit they shall suffer from the burning flames." Cole read out loud.

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