Hell is hot: 12

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"What does she plan to do when she gets me? Besides having a stable vessel, what does she plan to do?" Johven asked, Mama Lu finally looked up from her cards as everyone looked at her.

"I don't know what she plans to do, but I know none of us here will lived to see what happens after she gets you, if she gets you." Mama Lu said.

"What's so special about me? It doesn't make any sense, Cole is obviously more powerful, even Charlie is, and he just got his powers."

"I still don't understand how they're just appearing out of no where all of a sudden." Charlie said.

"It's not out of no where, it's not at all happenstance that your powers are surfacing, they are tied to your emotions, not only that, being around the ancient Banshee spirit is bringing out the Banshee in you." Mama Lu said.

"Johven, I always thought you were the smarter one, ever since you were a child, you disappoint me." Mama Lu said.


"Cole has resisted the craft the second he discovered he is a witch, yet he studies, yet he practices and he takes caution. You have been nothing, but timid and reckless." Mama Lu said.

"That's a little harsh." Charlie said folding his arm.

"You were chosen because you are the seventh son of the craft, the seventh male to be born with magic blood in this family and you are a water spirit." Mama Lu said.

"What does that mean?" Charlie asked.

"It means you are powerful, it means you are in the air, the skies and the sea. I will not be able to train you two for three days time, I must fast and meditate." Mama Lu said heading for the door.

"Where are you going?" Cole asked.

"I must find somewhere I can connect with our ancestors, hopefully they can give me some answers. I brought many books and your father has many on both of your unique abilities, study them." Mama Lu said then left.

"Well, she's right. You've been slacking, hopefully now that you're boyfriend Charlie Bucket, is here, you can focus." Cole said heading for the door.

"Hey where are you going? She said the both of us should study."

"Yeah, only no one is specifically after me and even if they try I can actually protect myself. I won't be gone long, Charlie's angel should be able keep you safe while I'm gone." Cole said leaving.

"Cole and ass hole those should be f#cking synonyms." Charlie joked standing up.

"Come on, let's check out those books, maybe there's something in there on Banshees." Charlie said.

It was getting dark, Cole liked to drive at night, he like the night air, he liked the silence.

He decided he had been away from the body shop too long, he missed the work, the sense of pride he got from fixing up a stranger's car.

When he got there everyone was busy, they all expressed their relief at seeing that he was okay, before going back to work.

There wasn't really anything for him to do, he finished his last job and Mr Carver wasn't about to give him another after his fever scare, so he decided to shadow Lenny.

Lenny was a greased up barefoot teddy bear of a man, two kids and a deceased wife, talking to him for more than five minutes about anything other than cars was a deadly thing that most people avoided.

He could go on about every medical scare he has on a daily basis, switch to how deep in debt he was and bore anyone with anecdotes about his kids.

But he was fascinating to watch when he was working, at least to Cole, he knew cars like his own right hand.

Born To Die: The curse of the Baelfire BrothersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora