Witches: 11

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Johven shot impossibly cold air at his brother, Cole attempted to conjure fire, but was unable to, Johven had frozen his arms and he was having trouble moving.

The air was thick and cold and it started to snow, Johven was ecstatic because he was winning.

"Johven, that's enough." Mama Lu said.

Johven was turning blue, he fainted before he realized the cold was affecting him.


When Johven woke up he was naked in a bath of water outside, while Mama Lu covered his face with something unfamiliar, it had a strange odour.

"What the hell is going on?" Johven exclaimed covering his bits and pieces.

"Hey I got that weird powder from dad's study." Cole said returning from inside the house.

"Give it to me." Mama Lu said.

"Whoa Jo, you hanging out a lil there." Cole said.

Johven adjusted his hands. "Can I please put some clothes on? Why am I out here naked with nothing but this watch on? What happened?"

Mama Lu handed him a red cloth and he used it to cover himself.

She threw the powder into the water.

"Wait, why do I still need my talisman? Cole doesn't. "

"We can't all be awesome, bro." Cole said.

"Unfortunately it is more serious than that." Mama Lu said as the water turned black.

"Whoa! What just happened?" Johven exclaimed.

"What does this mean?" Cole asked.

"Johven has been corrupted by the Banshee spirit." Mama Lu said.

"Oh no, did Charlie come back? How long have I been out?" Johven asked, Mama Lu turned and headed inside.

"Come inside, both of you." She said.

Johven waited for Cole to turn and start heading to the house before he got up.

He ran up to his room and got dressed as quickly as he could.

He joined Cole and Mama Lu in the study, she was on the phone and she sounded very concerned.

"What's going? Is she talking to our parents?" Johven asked.

"Shh." Cole said.

"I don't have time for this, I need to check on Charlie."

"No." Mama Lu said ending her phone call.

"Mama Lu, who was that? What's going on?" Cole asked.

"That, that was none of your concern. You have a bigger problem, something I failed to tell you." Mama Lu said.

"Let's hear it." Cole said.

"One of the abilities a Banshee possesses is power granting, the ability to turn others into Banshees, evil Banshees." She said laying out an open book in front of them, it had a drawing of a Banshee screaming directly in someone's face.

"It says here, that good witches can be turned into Banshees when they are grieving or suffering from a great loss." Cole said.

"I'm not grieving." Johven said.

"You aren't and that's why it didn't work on you, but it did affect your powers, you need to keep that talisman on at all times." Mama Lu said.

"For how long?" Johven asked.

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