You're witches: 5

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Mary swallowed hard.

"We don't plan on having anymore children, but there has to be a less extreme way." Otis said holding Mary's hand, every so often they reminded each other of what brought them together in the first place.

"Actually according to my visions you won't have anymore children after this." The Shaman said.

He was a bulky man with a bald head, pierced nose, ears, he had on eye liner and had strange markings on his arms, but the strangest thing about him were his eyes.

One was brown and the other was a very hollow grey.

Otis became suspicious and they both decided to decline the Shamans proposal.

Mary spoke with the elder witches in her family and Otis even reached out to his estranged Haitian grandmother who had the gift of premonition, he asked her if they would have anymore children and she said no.

After a about a month the baby's tremendous magic was affecting the mother and they looked up the Shaman and he performed the ceremony.

The Baelfires were traditional people and neither wanted to have the baby at an hospital, they were planning a home birth and they had Mary's mother looking after her, no doctors.

When the big day finally came and Mary gave birth to twins everyone was surprised and even more surprised that the new parents were overjoyed about having twins, they hated the idea of only having one child.

Neither thought about the deal they made.

That same night Otis's grandmother called an hour before three and told them that they had doomed one of their sons, that the Shaman, which they told her nothing about was an evil spirit impersonating a human.

He was after the child's powers, the child that came out last, the second child. The couple was in shocked they assumed the deal would not affect their sons because they were both their first born.

Otis' grandmother explained that he knew they were having twins and tricked them. They searched for the Shaman, but he was never seen again.

The child that came out last would die on his 18th birthday. Mary and Otis asked everyone who was at the birth, but no one remembered nor was paying attention to that, after the first child was out and they had decided to use an ancient ritual to have the child name himself as they only expected one, they chose their names a week after their births.

Johven which meant 7th son and twice blessed child and Cole which was Otis's grandfather's name that he always claimed meant glory.

Their relationship was never the same and they hid their past and family secrets from both boys.

They did a lot of reading trying to find loop holes or someone to help, they even went to the three most powerful witches at the time and they blessed both boys, but could not guarantee their future, no seer could get a reading on either child, their search carried on for years until the boys were 4 and inseparable.

When Otis started to read up on the affects of losing a child, he zoomed in on the effects of losing siblings, specifically twin siblings that grew up close often showed the worst kind of post dramatic stress, a few remaining twins committed suicide and others became withdrawn or worst, never realizing their full potential, when Otis read this he could no longer see their closeness as sweet and innocent, it was a threat to one of their mental health.

Both Otis and Mary encouraged the boys to be independent of each other and even put them in different rooms early on, sent them to different schools and made sure they had different friends early on, they never shared playdates.

Born To Die: The curse of the Baelfire BrothersWhere stories live. Discover now