Love your skin

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We've all heard the phrase love the skin your in
this phrase has a lot of meaning behind it.

It may have Different meanings for different people but to me... It means to 1) love your skin color whether your dark skin,brown skin, light skin it doesn't matter.

You should always know that there's beauty, wonderful stories, and love under your skin because black is beautiful.

2) love your body this is also important because even though your insecure doesn't mean you have to hate it.

if there's something you don't like about your body then change it into something you will love.

But do it for you
don't do it for someone else. Do it because it will make you happy.

And finally 3) love yourself because if you don't no one else will. This is probably the hardest thing for a black girl to do especially now with social media being everyone's beauty guide.

But once you learn to love yourself it will be the best feeling. Sure, you will have your doubts and insecurities here and there but when you overcome them that's were that's were the self love comes from.

The mind body and soul of a black woman is almost like a potion for love🌸

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