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How I spot attention seekers👀

1. They're (usually) loud and obnoxious
They seem to think everyone's eyes and ears have to be on them because everything they say or do is sooo important when in reality it's not

2.They think everything you say is about them
because once you say something thats not even directed towards them they get mad because the shoe starts to fit a lil

3. They're rude for no reason
They think it's cute and funny to be rude

4. They make situations bigger than it has to be
Example : a random girl: *looks then looks away*
Attention seeker: why tf this hoe staring at me like does she wanna fight
Like girl if you don't shut up and calm down

5. They looooove drama
They love to be in drama or involve themselves in something that has nothing to do with them

6. They have no self respect

Y'all please I beg you do not be that girl
Who always has to be the center of attention because it's not cute

y'all are queens don't stoop so low that you show out to have your name in everybody's mouth because it gets old and it's not worth it

People who shine from within don't need the spotlight

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