5 things

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This is my sarcastic but true take on the things black girls are tired of hearing about their hair

Why is your hair so nappy?
1) Our hair is not nappy it's either kinky,coily or wavy😌

is this your real hair? 2) bish it might be😑 just because I'm black you assume that I'm supposed to have short hair or that I'm bald under my weave *😒

why do you always wear weave?
3) Because I'm protecting it from heat damage or because I'm transitioning or I just don't feel like doing it🙄

why you never straighten your hair
4) why so I can look like the rest of these people who straighten their hair to fit European standards👉🏽👩🏼nah fam I'm good😴

why is your hair so short
5) maybe because I just just did a big chop💇🏽 it or maybe because of the shrinkage in my hair💆🏽

Its questions like this that make black girls feel like we're aliens or something and it makes our self esteem go down

You don't see us asking why y'all lips are so thin or why y'all don't know how to season food or why y'all hair always greasy😷

but... You know no shade tho😴☕️

With hair that defies gravity and hearts as deep as the ocean black girls are truly magic💁🏽💁🏾💁🏿✨
Since its black history month Sequoia and I will be updating twice a week every Thursday and Friday

~my next chapter will be about protective styles so stay tuned💟✨

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