Too feminine

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We don't realize it but our parents are the ones who teach us sexism they teach us (this is for girls and that is for boys) the only thing that is just for boys are urinals and the only thing that is for girls are tampons and pads

I just witnessed my cousin tell her 8 year old son to stop dancing to Beyoncé because that's "gay" ok....... so if you had a daughter that was dancing to Migos or future does that make her gay too?
See we as young women may not see it but guys suffer just as much as we do to have this "perfect" image.
Everyday guys do everything they can to be "masculine"
Masculinity must be one hell of a drug because it seems that nowadays that anything a boy does that isn't sports related isn't manly
What if your son is deeply into art or poetry or journalism why is that not considered "manly" in the black community
Our families influence our opinions so much that we don't even realize it
I'm tired of hearing guys say "that's gay" over the smallest like touching each other's hair or liking a certain song
I'm also tired of hearing guys say no homo after giving another guy a compliment
Young straight black men are so afraid of being considered gay because black parents teach them that it's wrong like they're breaking a code if they actually are gay
This is the main reason most black gays are afraid to come out to their families because their parents are either very religious or just very judgmental and 9/10 it's not even the religious parents it's the judgmental ones who are disowning their kids and putting them doing for being the way they are.

*takes a deep breath* ok I'm done ranting🙄
but I just want to know why is being feminine looked at as a weakness

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