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I'm really tired y'all honestly I don't even wanna talk about it because I'm just tired of seeing it , I'm tired of hearing it, I'm just wish it would all stop

but as we all know it'll never stop because in this country white (policeman) have permission to do whatever they please and to them it's ok

but when black people scream and shout to the top of there lungs that they want justice it's a problem (but the in the pledge of allegiance it says justice for all did y'all mean for all of us or just some 🤔)

because for some unknown reason white people think we should be be silenced and have no opinion on what's going on in this country be its "their" country

I saw this post it said land of the free but home of the slaves when I read that it hit home for me because it's true we'll never be completely free because there's white people who feel as if we're still trash and that we are beneath them

I honestly don't understand why they have hate for us like we did anything to them

if anything it's us who should have all this hatred (there are some who do) but most of us try not to (like me) but it soooo hard because every freaking day they give us another reason to hate them

it's like the want us to get riled up and angry enough to actually fight back so we can live up to this "thug" title that they've perceived us as just to have an excuse or reason to why they shoot and kill us

I'm just tired y'all 😒

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