Something to address...

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i'm baaaackk

1.) net neutrality : this all something out of the many more important things we've been worried about rn. if this bill were to pass in the congress it will not directly effect anybody on social media platforms. that was a rumor started to grab attention. what this bill is taking out small internet businesses and putting them up for sale. bigger websites such as google or yahoo would have to compete with each other to see who's the smallest business so they won't get wiped out.

2.) Flint and Puerto Rico: these are two very important places that still need our help. just because it's not trending doesn't mean the problem when away. Flint has gone 3 years without clean water. that's almost 2,000 days. we're going into the year of 2018. if you cannot help directly spread awareness. Puerto Rico is still suffering damages from the tragic Hurricane Irma. donate clothes, food, or anything you know will help. DO NOT donate to Red Cross!!!

3.) friendships : this thing is going to come and go. but you cannot force anybody to stay in your life. if you have tried all you can and they won't give in, give up. it's there's loss. they were probably the toxic you couldn't find in your life. everybody in your life is just chapter we all have to clovers one day

4.) hair : it is okay to be a black girl with a relaxer still in your head. it doesn't make any less of a black person. that is your appearance not your character or aura. i've seen and heard ignorant people say other wise. yes in this book we praise curly hair and naturalness. that's only because they could not appreciate it and love it the way it was.

5.) YOU!! : do not try to please people take me you happy cause it won't work out well. it's great to think of other people and help other people.  but if it's stressing you to the point where you wanna break down you need to stop. and focus on you. you can't spread love with negative energy in your soul. at the end of it all , you only got you. keep working sis  , i see you

we have awesome Christmas gift for you guys!! found out Christmas 🙂

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