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Ever feel like your being rushed? Not like get up earlier in the morning cause you're late to school type rushed but....rushed to do things that you shouldn't be doing at your age or
Rushed to just have everything together when you don't
Well I do....and the problems is I don't have anyone pressuring me to feel that way
But I'm making myself feel that way by thinking to much because my mind just wanders off and I just visualize myself having it all like my own place, car, and money and I guess that I'm in such a rush to have that, that I'm pressuring myself now to have to do things that I don't have to do. I beat myself up mentally because I don't have a 4.0 or a job any big things going for me because I feel like I should be doing something
like if I'm not busy I feel useless or a waste of space and I know I shouldn't feel that way but I do.....

My mind has been all over the place lately but when is it not tbh lol

So as y'all know Sequoia and I have created a new book called two brown girls, a million poems
And I just posted a chapter called come back soon my love so don't forget to check that out 💓💓💓

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