Chapter 3.

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Probs one of the worst days ever today.

Going to school was definitely a challenge. I was trying my hardest to avoid Ryder all day and it was proving pretty hard. The boy was everywhere!

When I first walked into school, he was leaning right on my locker. Instead of being a normal person, I decided to take my bag of things with me to my first period and I didn't grab anything I needed. The teacher was giving me a lecture about being prepared for class, but he let me go grab them eventually.

The next few days, during lunch, he was near the door, looking all around. Hopefully not for me. I mean, I'm not really look worthy. I wasn't hide a bag over my head hideous but I wasn't a Victoria's Secret model either.

Last period came fast today, and I found out that I had done well all day. No running into Ryder. This was really awesome so far. I walked into my last class and listened to a boring lecture about history. Soon the bell rang, signaling it was time for me to head on home to my slut of a mom. I went to my locker, somewhat happy yet disappointed that Ryder wasn't there. 

I went over to it, noticing I had gotten out of class late. There weren't many students in the hall, in fact, there were none at all. 

I shrugged it off and grabbed all the crud from my red locker before slamming it shut. I turned around and gasped at what was in front of me on the white walls. 

Perhaps there is a moment in your life when you are so scared, you become frozen. Just plain out frozen in time. You don't move. Speak. Breathe. None of it. 

Then comes the moment of wonder. When there is something so ghastly in front of you, you wonder who or what could've done such a thing. You wonder how. How they knew where you were. How they knew who you were. Who did it. What did it. 

I wondered that as red letters were inked into the wall.

"My beautiful darling, for we can soon be together. I have found you. You and your mother have tried to run and hide, but you have gotten nowhere farther. Now I know all about you and your mother, and I enjoy our next visit.


A large pain formed in my chest as a sob escaped me. I swiveled my head around everywhere, searching for someone in sight. No one was here. I just stared at the letters, reading them over and over and over again in my head. No doubt I knew this sicko was talking about me and my mom. She was always suspicious of me standing out and us always moving. 

So alas this would only make sense. 

I stumbled backwards and fell into the lockers, slowly slumping down into a sitting position. Whoever this person was that might have been tracking down my mother and I, definitely found us.

I know it's short, but it gives you a hint of why they are always running. (Zara and her mom)




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