Chapter 8.

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It was all sorta blurry. I was no longer at school. Instead, I was in a bed - not my own. Immediately terrfied, I threw the sheets off me and slid my feet off the silver bed. I winced in pain as my cheek throbbed, along with my wrist.

I glanced at it and saw it was purple from where Mitch had grabbed it. I sighed and looked around. The was a wardrobe to the side of the bed, along with a nighstand. I pondered on where I was. So far, I thought I was maybe at Mitch's house. Did that mean he fought Ryder, and ended up winning and taking me? 

I inched towards the door and slightly opened it to hear arguing going on. I peeked through the slightly ajar door.

"No, you're done in the pack. You know what you've done is what I absolutely forbade. You broke a law." I heard. That deep voice was from Ryder. Was I in Ryder's home? If so, it was pretty shnazzy from what I'd seen.

"She patronized me." Another weak voice said. My eyes widened. It was Mitch. He was standing there, his neck crooked to the side. What was he doing? Was he trying to show Ryder something? I tried to brush it off to the back of my mind.

"I didn't realize she was your-" I could't hear very well so I had to  open the door wider. I backed up, but ran over something. I looked down to see an orange and black cat. It was on the ground, hissing at me. With no time to catch my balance, I fell forward, through the door. It banged against the wall as I shoved it.

I landed on my elbows with pain. My cheek and wrist throbbed as I hit the wood ground. I groaned as my hair fell in front of me. 

I glanced up to see Ryder and Mitch staring down at me. The cat who I stepped on, soon pounced out from behind me and climbed onto my back.

I brought my eyes to Ryder who seemed to be suppressing a laugh. I rolled my eyes and stared at the strange cat. It never left my back, but instead, perched itself down and balled into a laying splay of furr. 

"Mitch, you can leave." Ryder said, with a strong voice. Mitch's eyes seemed fearful, but he left anyways, returning one last glance at me. I nearly stuck my tongue out at him, but I was too confused with my situation to do such.

"Mira likes you. And she doesn't like anyone." Ryder said, breaking me out of my trance. Now I had a cat laying on my back. I didn't want to get up because what if it fell?

"Here." He said and grabbed the cat off my back, allowing me to get up. He grabbed my hand and lifted me up. I blushed at our hand in hand contact. My hand fit perfectly in his, and it was sending sparks up and down my body.

I stood up, just staring at him. Before I could get lost in his eyes, I backed away.

"Why did you bring me here?" I questioned, putting my hands on my hips. He held his up in defense.

"You didn't wake up when Mitch . . ." He trailed off, glaring at the ground. For a split second, I thought I saw his eyes darken. He looked up at me and they were normal, so I'm assuming it was just the light.

"Well, I'm fine." I said defiantly and crossed my arms.

"Your face is bruised." He said, then a strange noise rippled out of his throat. It was animalistic and weird. A sound a human shouldn't ever make.

"Well I feel fine." I lied. Ryder chuckled. "Come here." He said and took off down the hall way. I grunted but followed him nonetheless.

He led me into a kitchen area. He walked over to the freezer in his two part fridge, and pulled out some ice. He then placed the cubes into a baggy and walked over to me. I was now sitting on the island counter.

"Does it hurt still?" He asked. I grabbed the ice packet and laid it on my bruise. I sucked in a gasp of shock as it stung.

"I'll take that as a yes." He said and snatched the ice from my hands. 

"I'm perfectly capable of icing my face." I said stubbornly. He smirked and placed it on my wrist, which also stung. 

"Keep it on your hand." He demanded as he went off to the freezer to grab more ice. He came back and neared my face. He put it on my cheek and stared at it. We were so close, maybe 3 inches away from each other. I studied his perfect features. His perfect hair, eyes. He was so gorgeous.

So far, he's shown only attention to me. Why me? He can have any girl he want. So why did he choose to get stuck with someone like me? 

"Feel better?" He whispered huskily, sending enjoyable shivers down my spine. His breath was minty and his cologne was earthy and chocolate. I loved that smell for some reason. I couldn't speak. I was too nervous I'd say something stupid. Instead, my face lit up with the color red, and I nodded. A smirk took over his features once more.

"Your blush is adorable angel." He commented, only making my blush deepen. He laughed heartily. He  neared my face, our noses barely touching. His lips looked so kissable from here.

Zara! NO! Remember what your mother told you! My brain yelled at me. I squeezed my eyes. My brain was right, but this felt so right.

I didn't want to lead on Ryder. I couldn't like him. Someone like me couldn't fall for him. And that was already proving very hard. Instead of kissing him, like how we were both intending. I turned my face, and placed my lips on his cheek. I was embarrassed as hell, and I had no clue what I was doing, but I felt like I had to do something. Ryder backed up, his eyes wide.

Did I see a blush sneak onto his face? 

"Can we watch a movie?" I asked. He smirked and nodded, leading me into his living room, which was huge. We sat on a white leather couch and he picked out a funny movie called White Chicks. He came to my side and sat down next to me, and we started talking. He was so easy to talk to. I loved it.

"No, Latrell is just over buff. It's disgusting." I retorted. Ryder chuckled. "So you don't like overly buff dudes then?"  He asked, almost sounding nervous.

I decided to tease him. "Eh, some are ok." I said with a shrug of my shoulders. His eyes darkened for a split second, then went back to normal.

"Sure." He grunted. I laughed at his childlike pouting. His frown soon turned into a grin.

We watched the movie for a little longer, but I ended up falling asleep. On a shoulder. Ryder's shoulder. I fell asleep on Ryder.

Best movie ever.




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