Chapter 24.

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Pretty sure I just gained like 299 pounds from eating so much today.

So I think my laptop has a virus so if my book gets randomely deleted ya'll know why

I quickly made the Twins leave my room so I could shower, although I really didn't see the point. There was a 50/50 chance I would be dying tonight. I guess if I'm going to die, I might as well smell good?

No, I really just showered to get my mind off things. Or at least attempt. It honestly did nothing. I still felt sick to my stomach. These people want me for reasons untold? What was I to them? Perhaps bait for Ryder? But . . . they would already be confronting him. It didn't make sense. I honestly couldn't see what purpose I played in all this. 

I shrugged on leggings, and a droopy gray t-shirt. Brushing my hair, I walked out of the bathroom to see Ryder standing in front of the door wearing dark jeans, a white button up shirt that stopped at his elbows. His hands were tucked into his pants as he sat there with a lazy smile. How is it possible to look that hot? My eyes checked him out without a worry in the world. He smirked when he saw my cheeks turn a shade of red. 

"May I ask why you are simply standing here?" I asked with a smile, crossing my arms.

"Well," he said before slowly walking over to me, hands still in his jeans. Gosh he looked so delicious. I bit my lower lip in order to stop myself from oggling him.  "I promised this girl a date." He said with a teasing grin as he cut the space in between us, our chests brushing. I gulped.

"She thought you had forgotten," I replied with a nervous glance at the floor.

"I never forget. Not when it comes to her," He said, cupping my cheek so I could see his face again. His eyes were dark as he stared at me with intensity. 

"So?" He suddenly asked, breaking the silence.

"Hm?" I asked, still in the moment.

"Are you ready to go? Ok, let's go," He said, parting but grabbing my hand. I felt dissapointed that he hadn't kissed me or anything.

I followed him down the stairs.

"Wait, a date right now?" I asked, skipping down the last two steps.

"Yes," He said while we walked out of the front door. I quietly followed him to his car  before I hopped in.

"Where are we going?" I asked him as he strapped himself into the topless Jeep.

"It's a surprise," He replied. I shake my head. I was never one for surprises. Surprises like when I found out the guy I'm living  with is a werewolf. Or like when I found he was my soulmate and it was written in the stars that we were to be together. Or when I found out he and Em had a thing. Or when I found out a pack of rogues wanted me for a strange ransom.

"Ya know, I hate surprises," I told him. 

"Well you'll love this one," he said, turning the corner of the street and sending me a breathtaking grin. I glance at his pink, full lips. The ones I kissed from not that long ago. 

Suddenly I found myself thinking  of my mom. It felt as though a knife had been buried into my heart when I thought about her. My mind wandered to the note. The whole thing about me staying away from Ryder thing made me anxious. She said if I didn't then she'd have died in vain . . . but what did she possibly know about me and him? Or about what he was for that matter? My mind began reeling, thinking of all possible scenarios. Who was that man on the phone that I eavesdropped on?

I always had a feeling there wasn't something she wasn't telling me, but I brushed it off - thinking it wasn't important. And maybe it isn't, but maybe it is. 

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