Chapter 32. pt 2

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Sorry I haven't updated, my laptop is broken and the bottom row of the letters won't type and my space bar won't work at times and neither will periods I'm so annoyed that's why it's taking so long to update!

I had a good Halloween.

Did you guys?

What did you guys dress up as and what did you guys do??

I feel like my writing skills have dimmed down since I joined wattpad because it's honestly a site for enjoyment and entertainment. I'm sorry that you can all kinda tell. My vocab, plot and other things are beginning to show weak signs. I just wish I was at good as when I first started..

I stayed silent, searching for an answer in those beautiful blue eyes. They seemed dazed as if he wasn't in the moment. Was he thinking of Rose? Was he wishing she was here instead of me? Oh crap. Maybe I shouldn't have told him that.

"Please say something cuz you're making me feel stupid," I mumble while I begin to fiddle with my shirt hem. Looking down, I feel myself grow nervous. Suddenly his hand clasps both of mine, making me look up at him.

But he doesn't say anything and for a minute I fear he never will. 

I lock eyes with him, and note his clenched jaw.

He slowly tips his head to come to my height, and it seems like I'm waiting for forever. But for some reason I don't care nor does it bother me. His movements are slow as he inches his head towards me, second by second. Holding my breath, I wait to see what he's going to do. Now a centimeter away, I can hear his breath. I think I can even hear my own heart beat now.

"Say it," He suddenly spoke. My eyes fluttered close at his deep and husky voice, though it seemed thick with emotion.

"What?" I breathed absent-mindedly. I was glad he was at least saying something now, but as I took in account how close he was to me, it seemed that all I wanted to do was kiss those irresistable lips.

"What you just said," He growled, but I didn't take offense. Instead, I took a heavy pant in, discovering that I had been leaning against a tree trunk. I lolled by head back, starting to feel hot.

"I'm falling in love with you," I mutter, closing my eyes and attempting to breathe in. Suddenly, his hand harshly tangles through my hair, and he jolts me to look at him. The gesture is rough and possessive, and then I see with my new eyesight that his eyes are darker than usual. His wolf must have been in control. My eyes are wide and anxious, and I feel blood pump through my veins, begging me to feel some sort of a rush, or adrenaline. 

My lips are attacked and my whole body is pressed up against the tree. His one hand is still tangling itself in my hair, and the other is pinning my arms up above me on the tree. I squirm, but when he presses his body against mine, I begin to melt in his  embrace. His roughness, though shocking, didn't irk me or intimidate me. Sure, it was new to me, but all his boldness when it came to me was always something new to get used to. 

His lips slammed onto mine, and already within seconds I needed air. I ignored my lungs silent plea, and focused on Ryder's lips.

It was a fierce, fast, passionate and hungry kiss all mixed into one. I heard a growl emit from his mouth when I kissed back just as hard. I felt my wolf growling in delight. Slowly, my lungs began to burn with a ferocity that I could no longer ignore. 

I pulled back, needing to breathe. I took one deep breath, closing my eyes and relishing the moment. I looked back at Ryder, noticing half of his face was being shadowed, while the other half was being lit by the bright full moon lighting up the forest. I realized he really is beautiful. His eyes are black, and there's no humanity left in them. It causes a tremor to run down my spine, but I don't show my slight anxious thoughts towards him. He sighed and leaned his forehead against mine, causing a burst of warmth to spark from there. 

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