Chapter 28.

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I stayed silent as I watched two wolves fight. They were snarling ferociously. I couldn't believe that this was how werewolves trained. 

Ryder stood by my side as I watched Theo and someone from Alpha Bryan's pack fighting. They were so fast, and even though they bit, kicked, and scratched messily, it was like it didn't even affect them. I kept waiting for one of them to drop dead and bleed to death but that never happened.

At the sight of blood drip from Theo's pelt, I felt a rushing feeling in my stomach.  I glanced at my dad who was standing near Mitch and some other guy. I narrowed my eyes at them. I still had so many questions. My brain buzzed as it became overwhelmed.

"I'll be right back," I said to Ryder as I began walking to the house. He glanced at me with a little bito f worry. Smiling, I stood up on my toes and pecked him on the lips. He smiled warmly, his eyes lingering on mine. I returned the look.

I couldn't help but grin like a fool as I began to walk into the house.

Right now we were at one of Bryan's training facilities. He owned a few, and this one was located up on a mountain where it was reserved for his pack. No one could disturb us here, and the place made me feel at ease. I walked inside one of the cute little cottage like homes, and went to search for a bathroom. Since our principle, Ms Tate, was also a werewolf, we didn't have much trouble explaining to her the situation.

It was strange. I remember in the woods during the attack, I wanted to sink my teeth so badly into smoeone. Now I felt utterly disgusted by the sight of blood? Was it some sort of an instinct?

[You must realize it's not just  you now in this body. I'm here as well and I'm a part of you. Now you are going to have a wolf's instincts, wants, needs and dislikes. Haven't you noticed your change of appearance? Many werewolves are tan with darker and fuller hair. It's not the same for all wolves, but it's a common similarity. At times you're going to want to hunt, and other times you're going to want to be lazy like the regular human you once were and still somewhat are. It's completely normal.] The voicec inside my began to explain. I felt my nerves calm when I realized it was my wolf and she was explaining to me that I was indeed normal. Or at least, somewhat normal.

[Why didn't you show up sooner? I mean, why can I hear you now?] I ask her.

[I was sealed by our father, like he explained. It was like I was put in a slumber. A hibernation if you will. Waking up from mid hibernation is practically impossible. Yet when he put a stimulant into our system, it was like I woke up early.] She explained with a light growl.

[Woah.] I remarked with a chuckle.

I shrieked as I ran into someone, tumbling back a little.

"Oh, my apologies," A guy muttered. I rubbed my cheek before looking up. I narrowed my eyes as I realized this was the same guy Em had been caught staring at so awkwardly. It was her mate.

"You're Emily's mate, aren't you?" I asked with a pointed finger.

He gulped, looking down at his feet.

"Yeah," he replied shortly.

I studied him for a second longer. 

"What's your position in my father's little band of rogues here, eh?" I asked him with a glare, giving him a hard time. Aware of this, he stepped back, but held his now hard stare.

"Beta," He growled. 

"If I ever see my best friend crying or upset, and I hear your name in one of her sentences, then I swear to you and by all wolves on this planet that you will wake up and look like an unknown species. Got it?" I growled lowly.

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