Chapter 14.

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So sorry I've been hecka busy with mid terms


Zara's POV***

Things were definitely a blur at first. I was in Ryder's house, and we kissed, which was totally amazing, but after that I think I blacked out. 

My back was aching from its position, my arms were sore as well. My legs were pinned against something wooden. I wiggled around and noticed I was in a chair. Panick flared throughout my whole being. My eyes forcibly opened but all I welcomed was darkness. My wrists were tied behind me. I snorted, how typical. 

But how'd I get kidnapped? I mean, I doubt this was Ryder's house and he tied me up just for fun. My legs were tied to each chair leg, forcing my ankles in agitating positions. 

Immediately, I tried my best to wriggle out of the ropes that bound me in place. My wrist jerked in a painful way, causing me to whimper pathetically. I squirmed more and more, but to no avail the ropes stayed on.

Suddenly, a voice called out. "Don't struggle too much dear," A man said. Their voice was dark and deep, and had me racking in shivers. Who was this creep and what the hell did he want with me?

"Why'd you take me?! Who are you?" I hissed in anger. I was getting irritated, not being able to see anything.

"I don't really like answering to you. Instead, why don't you tell me a little more about yourself." The man with a grimy voice replied. I groaned. I was terrified and wanted nothing more than to go home.

I said nothing, which clearly pissed off the man. Something hard collided with the side of my jaw, and had my head whipping to the side. My left side was pounding and I let out a whimper of pain. He punched me! The thunderous pounding didn't subside and had me a little dizzy.

"You'll answer when spoken to. You're just like your mother. Useless and stupid." He growled out. I couldn't see this man, but I wish I could have so I could have ripped out his spleen and watch him scream in agony. His words cut deep. Sure I wasn't a huge fan of my mother, but not only was he insulting her, he was insulting me as well. I was nothing like her. I never will be.

"I'm nothing like my mother!" I shouted in protest. I heard a deep chuckle emit from the man's throat.

"Or so you think. Enough chatter, what do you know about Ryder?" The man asked once more. I was shocked, how did he know Ryder? Did they have some sort of quarrel? If so why the hell am I here?

"W-what about him?" I asked, trying not to sound scared but of course I epicly failed. 

"Just anything. I mean, you are his mate after all." He replied. Gosh I wish I could slap him. What the hell is a mate?

"What the hell is a mate?!" I screamed in frustration. My fear and panick were getting best of me. I could hear the man's evil laugh, but alas he said nothing.

Before I could process anything, a light was switched on which killed my eyes. Since being used to the dark I was surrounded in, I harshly blinked my eyes due to sensitivity. I slowly eased up allowed myself take in the surroundings. It was an all white room, and I could now see what I was strapped to. It was a twirly chair, all white like the cubicle we were in.

A dental bed lay across from me with a large lamp hanging over it. A bunch of surgeon tools were splayed out on a metal desk near the lamp. The situation I was in started to sink in. I was with some phsyco killer, with a plethora of killer tools. What if he wanted to perform freaky surgery on me?! Make me a mutant?!?! Discombobulate me?!?!?!?!?!?!

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