Chapter 15

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Zara's POV

I ran as fast as my feet would carry me. My calves, lungs and arms were now on fire. My brown hair was matted and whipping behind me.

I didn't know where I was going. I didn't know where I was. All I knew was that I had to get away from that mad house and find a town, or at least something!! I zigzagged through the unfamiliar forest, and never stopped. Where was I? How did I get here? How far from home was I?

I couldn't take it anymore. My feet hurt so badly from the grounds twigs and leaves so I needed rest. I sat down on the ground with my breath coming in short and heavy pants.

Fear was still coursing throughout every inch of my being. I was terrified. I was almost operated on by a sick freak and now I'm lost in this forest and it's almost dark.

I had no idea how long I had been running but I know that I have never been so tired in my whole life.

I wrapped my arms around my legs and hugged them close to my chest before loud and very annoying sobs escaped my mouth.

Everything hurt. My limbs were in pain. My muscles were sore and worn out. I felt like I was starving. I was so tired...

I hated crying and I didn't do it very often. Yet ever since my mom things are clearly starting to change. I couldn't help but have my thoughts drift to Ryder.

Did he know I was gone? did he even care? A small part of me knew he cared. Yet how could I be sure? My dad ran off and killed himself just when I thought he loved me and wouldn't ever leave me. Mom left me. So why wouldn't he?

I couldn't stop to ponder anymore, for I started to hear a rustling nearby. My head shot up in alarm and fear. Was someone here? Anyone? I dearly hoped so. But then again, what if it was that major freakshow who just kidnapped me!?

The rustling got worse and out of the green thickets, stood the largest dog I had ever seen. I lost my breath when I realized it was a wolf. His fur was a dark grey with a few white patches on his hind legs.

Holy hell he was huge! He was at least a few inches smaller than a damn horse! His huge lips curled into a menacing growl. I remembered my last encounter with a wolf, and wondered how I managed to see two in one life time.

The furs on his neck stood upright and his tail was outstretched. He stood tall with his ears perked forward. His brown eyes pierced through mine as a warning snarl left his chest.

I was now shaking and couldn't move a muscle. I was so petrified. This was how I was going to die? Wolf attack, of all things?

No, I couldn't have just died of old age, or get ill, or even get hit by a truck - BUT - I die by getting eaten by an overly sized wolf!?

I took a hesitant step back as the wolf moved his fore paw to take a step.

"You can kill me if you really want to," I whispered. I mean, if it was really my time, then hell I guess I had to go although I hate the idea just as much as a teenager hates Mondays.

As if the beast understood my words, his attacking stance transformed into a friendly looking one. Really? Just like that? His snarl dropped and his once bristled fur morphed into a smoother state. It reminded me of the wolf I met weeks ago when school started.

Suddenly, the wolf lifted his head and started to howl. At this point, my eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. Was it calling on its friends to help finish the job? Now I was terrified.

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