Chapter 6.

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I wasn't sure how I got in my bedroom, but I was here. Was yesterday a dream? A part of me hoped it was and a part of me hoped it wasn't. 

I hoped that the whole thing with Ryder was real, yet that those bloody words on the school wall weren't. Dear god, if it was real, then I fell asleep on him! How embarrassing, I barely knew him!

I was still in yesterdays clothes, so I must have been dropped off by Ryder, but how did my mom carry me to my room? Honestly, how did I even get here? Who cares, I'm sure she doesn't. I woke myself up, as usual, and started to get ready for school.

I put on some short shorts with lacy pockets, and white toms. My shirt was simple. Just a flowy white tank top with a floral design. After applying little eye makeup, I went downstairs to eat. I was on my way downstairs but stopped once I heard my mom's voice. She's never up this early. 

"I don't care what I said before, things change!" She whisper shouted. I furrowed my brows. Was she talking about her prostitute life?

"You will not enter MY daughters life, EVER! No . . . She doesn't know yet. No, you are not!" She replied. What the hell did I have to do with this? Who was she talking about? I was starting to get worried. What didn't I know?

"If you take one step into Rosewood, I swear I'll cut of your genitals, throw them into a blender and make you drink it!" And with that, my mother slammed the phone down. The slam was so loud, I jumped. Who did she not want near me? 

I made my way downstairs, as if I head nothing, although I had a gazillion questions. 

"Your up early." I muttered. She nodded. 

I grabbed an apple and swiftly left the house without another word or glance back.  tried to shake off my mom's phone conversation, but it left me on edge.

I was about to walk onto the road, but was stopped by a hulking huge black hummer. I squinted my eyes then the windows rolled down.

"Hop in." A husky voice lulled, sending shivers down my spine. "Ryder? What are you doing here? And more importantly, how do you know where I live?!" I shouted. He smirked, a very sexy smirk indeed.

"I'm picking you up and we're going to school." He said as if it was something I should already know.

"I'm fine with walking." I retorted, my face heating up.

"Angel,  I'm not. Get in this car." He growled out lowly. I sighed and started to walk to school. Out of the corner of my eye, Ryder's face filled with rage, somewhat scaring me and humoring me at the same time. 

I was fighting back the smile, but let it out once I heard a car door slam. My feet took off running as I teased Ryder. Before I made it two feet in front of me, Ryder had his arms wrapped around me. Heat and sparks were being sent up my arms and into my body. His musky cologne was all around me as I breathed. 

Chocolate and earth. It was refreshing and the most amazing thing I've ever smelt in my entire life. 

"You smell amazing." I huffed out absentmindedly.

Uh-oh, word vomit. He wasn't meant to hear that. A deep chuckle rumbled through his buff chest. Dear god, what was going on with me lately?

"I- Uh . . you  . . . um . . that wasn't supposed to come out . . . like that." I added carefully, sounding stupid, as usual.

Another deep chuckle erupted from his perfect lips. 

"You don't smell so bad yourself." He said and suddenly, my feet were lifted off the ground and my stomach was placed on a hard shoulder. I was now staring at the ground behind me. He flung me over his shoulder! Like in Shrek!

"Hey!" I screeched. 

"I told you I don't like you walking. So, my car awaits you." He said and I could feel the joy and humor emanating from him. Although I didn't like being woman-handled or whatever, he did have a nice ass from this angle.

Deciding to play I replied, "Well the view isn't so bad from here I suppose." I felt him nearly jump in shock. I didn't think I had it in me to flirt in such a way, but I had to admit, I didn't do all that shabby.

He awkwardly cleared his throat like he hadn't heard me and flung me into the passenger seat like it was nothing. 

"You're pretty strong, you know that?" I said as he got in. A smirk over took his features. 

"Trust me, I already know." He replied. I scoffed.

"What?" he asked. 

"Yeah, well you aren't THAT strong. I've met stronger men." I replied. I rolled out the 'e' men to show I thought he wasn't manly although oh hot dayuuummm, he was exactly the opposite. He wasn't even a man. He was a fucking God. Not that I'd let him know that.

"I doubt that Angel." He said, his knuckles gripping the wheel.

"Okay, whatever makes you happy and sprouts your tree," I cooed and looked out the window. He grunted in annoyance as we drove to school.

Finally, we arrived and parted ways. I hastily made my way into the class, desperate to get away from Ryder. A part of me was so flustered around him, I just couldn't help it. Yet the other part of me wanted to jump into his arms and lay on him all day. I just didn't know what was wrong with me. I've never felt like this about a guy that I've hardly ever known.




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