Chapter 21.

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After getting something to eat from leaving my post at the bathroom, I made the decision to find Emily and the twins. I needed to apologize for making them so worried and irritated when they were just trying to help.

I plunged another ravioli into my mouth, savoring the flavor.

"Jesus Zara, you eat like one of us," Ryder stated with wide amused eyes. I said nothing, only eating more of the delicious yumminess.

Swallowing, I grinned.

"Yeah well that's what happens when I starve myself for two days," I joked, yet looking at his jaw harden I started to think it wasn't so comical.

"Zara, I don't care how many fights we get into nor how bad they'll be, but you need to swear you'll never do that again."

His eyes were slowly swirling into black,  and I was able to see how much this really effected him. Guilt filled me when I remembered Emily calling me selfish an hour ago. And was she right. Seeing Ryder so distressed was enough to make me realize my hunger strike was taking it too far.

"I promise," I whispered, looking down and feeling like shit.

"Why don't me and you do something fun today? Take our mind off things," He muttered with a smile. I bit my lip.

"Oh, you mean like a date?" I teased. His face visibly redened before he became quick to reply.

"Well, you do owe me one," He smirked, leaning on the counter, staring me down with his memorizing eyes.

"Oh I owe you?" I retorted with a lazy smile and the raise of my brows.

"Oh yes you do," He growled with a slight grin.

"Do explain," I replied, placing my hand under my chin with my elbow on the counter.

"Oh ya know, saving your life, gracing you with my presence - that sort of thing."

I let out a chuckle.

"Well when you put it that way," I laughed, and so did he.

"Well then good, I've already got a place we can go to." He said with a giddy smile.

"Wait, I need to find Emily and talk to her. I want to apologize to her..." I trailed off.

"I understand. I should probably go and say sorry too . . ." He murmured. I sighed. I really hoped she would accept my apology. Same for Ryders.


"The library?" I asked, getting out of the jeep.

"She goes there when she's in a piss poor mood," Leo said with a yawn, his brother joining his side.

Ryder took the front in leading us to the library, the three of us following suit. As we walked in, the smell of leather hit my nose hard, along with dust. I couldn't help but sneeze.

"Can you smell that?" Theo asked, coming up to my side.

"Yeah, but who couldn't? It's so dusty in here!" I whispered, rubbing my nose while searching for Emily.

Ryder looked back at Theo, giving him a look. I raised my eyebrows. Did they know something I didn't? And weren't Ryder and I done with secrets by now? I tried to throw away the thought that they were hiding something from me, but deep down in my mind I had a feeling something was off.

"Hey," Theo and Leo whispered in sync, pointing to a table where our beloved Emily sat, a book in her hands, along with a notebook and pens.

The twins crossed their arms, awaiting me to step forward. "Move it or lose it bro," Theo whispered in my ear. I frowned, taking a step. Several followed and I found myself behind Emily, and the rest of the group behind me.

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