Chapter 9.

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Ryder drove me back to my house after we watched a zillion more movies. Staying with Ryder felt so perfect. We could talk about anything, laugh at eachothers harsh banter - without taking it seriously.

"I'm taking you to school tomorrow." Ryder said as I exited his jeep. I stared at him. There really was no use in arguing.

"I'll run." I said, remembering how I had previously. A deep smirk took over his face.

"I'd find you." He replied, and with that, he took off. I smiled to myself, a warm feeling creeping onto my cheeks. I turned around, shocked to see my moms car in the garage. That was strange, she always worked at night. I slowly crept up to the front door, my nerves on edge. I cautiously unlocked the door with the keys I held in my pockets. It opened eerily, leading me into the dark house. I walked in.

"Mom!" I called out, but got no response. My stomach turned into a pit of . . . nothing. A bottomless pit and it kept falling. Feeling apprehensive, I grabbed an umbrella that lay near the shoebin. I know it was stupid, but I needed something to defend myself with. 

Again, I continued to walk further into my lonely house. I cursed under my breath as I stepped and made the floar creak. Oh well, someone should already know I'm here since I called out to my mom. 

I raised the umbrella, pointing it in front of me. I was in a hopeless bundle of nerves. I walked towards the kitchen, where I felt a pull. Something was telling me to go in, yet something was telling me not to continue my trek.

I turned on the light, and dropped the umbrella to the ground at what I saw. "Mom!?!" I shouted as I dropped to the floor, where her body lay stiff and pale. There was a welt at her neck, what looked like two sticks had jabbed into her jugular artery. Her pale brown eyes were open, and her blonde hair was scattered along the tile ground. Red liquid surrounded her top half as she lay in the liquid.

I felt her skin, it was freezing. Sobs unknowingly escaped me. Sure she wasn't much of a mom, but she was my  mom and I still loved her although I begged to differ. "Wake up!" I shouted in her face as I shook her shoulder, blood dripping onto my hand.

"Get up! You have to make dinner! You have go to work! Mom! You have to wake up!!!!!" I screamed hopelessly. Again, I shook her limp frame, her body flailing side-to-side. What had happened. I wiped my eyes hastily with the sleeve of my shirt. I got up and searched around the kitchen for some sort of clue and found one on the counter top.

It was a note.


I've come to the decision that I can no longer be a mother, or a someone for that matter. I know I was a useless mother figure to you, and there is nothing I can do about that now that you're reading this note. It's in my best interest that I take my life, I'm leaving you with nothing. 

It's true, I didn't love you, but I know someone who does, and he's just right around the corner. My last final wish, stay away from Ryder, or I have died in vain.

-With love, your mother.

I froze as did my heart. She killed herself, she didn't love me, and she didn't want me with Ryder? I closed my eyes as more tears slid down, praying this was a dream. I opened them, only to find my same scenery. I glanced around the room, what did she kill herself with?!?!

My sobs escaped my mouth, along with tears from my eyes. Then a thought hit me: This was all my fault . . . Maybe if I'd given her a chance. Guilt washed over me like a tsunami.

What was I to do now?


Interesting twist, no?




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