Chapter 29. The Four Families

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Unlike the first time I discovered something inredibly jaw dropping, like my father's random appearance, I wasn't frozen to the spot.

Instead, I felt myself burn red with anger. It felt like I was seeing the color red. Or like red was filling up my veins. It started with my toes and then to my head.

Before I could speak, Ryder obviously beat me to it.

In a flash, my father was pressed up the side of the house with Ryder's hand wrapped around his neck. For some reason, I didn't make a move to stop him. My father was ruining everything and he's only been here for a week and a half!

"You what?" Ryder growled incredibly low, with a voice of new depth. I felt myself shiver at this darker side. I knew his wolf wasn't one to be trifled with, but I'd never seen it in full throttle. I doubt this was his full throttle, yet I could tell it was getting closer. 

A man appeared at my dad's side, and I recognized him as Emily's mate. He reached for Ryder's arm, but my dad shakingly reached his hand out.

"Enough Demetri," He wheezed, though his air circulation was faltering. Baffled and irate, Demetri - Emily's mate and my father's Beta - backed away, his eyes showing his want to spill my mate's blood.

My father stayed silent, accepting the fact that Ryder was strangling him. Frustrated, I stepped towards Ryder.

"Ryder," I said gingerly, placing my hand on his shoulder. Strained, he looked down at me. His eyes did something I've never seen before. They raced back and forth from blue to black, as if the two were glitching in and out for power. He's fighting for control over his wolf. Slowly, blue began to seep, chasing out the black. 

Ryder's eyes lingered on mine. Jaw clenched, he let go of my father's neck, and instead wrapped his hand in mine. Greatful for this, I simply gave it a light squeeze.  My dad bent over, placing his hands on his knees, gasping for air. I watched him with hard eyes.

"So, you bargained me off did you?" I seethed. It was my turn to be abusive. He had suffered Ryder's physical abuse, now it was time for my verbal. He glanced up at me through his dark brown hair, before standing up straight and taking a deep breath.

"Zara, you have to understand, things with Royals have always been complicated. Especially between the Gregors and the Caine's."

"Oh well I would love an explanation," I reply with a snarky tone. 


"And don't you leave anything out or else . . . or else I'll have you exiled from this pack, and those around us."

It was a bold stance, given the terms. I wasn't even a full werewolf yet since I hadn't completed the shift. I hadn't completed the mating bond with Ryder, so that didn't make me a full Luna. However I felt a surge of authority pierce through me. Was this what my wolf was bringing to my new body? If so, I felt the need to be respected, and authoritive.

"What's going on?" Someone asked. I snapped my head behind me to see Mitch standing there with confusion plastered on his face.

"Did you know?" I grolwed. 

"Huh?" He asked absent-mindedly.

Letting go of Ryder's hand, I swiveled around to face him. 

"Did you know about the deal?" I shouted, earning the attention from everyone.

"Let's take this inside," Demetri muttered. With a look of hurt, Mitch dropped his head before pathetically walking past me to get inside. My father's long lasting stare held no meaning after he walked inside. 

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