Chapter 16.

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I couldn't help but yawn as sunlight seeped through the curtains of the room in which I was in. I stretched, allowing small dinosaur like noises to emit from my mouth.

I turned and saw I was on a bed with silver sheets. Unknowingly, I let a grin take place on my face. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath, taking in as much of the smell of Ryder as I could. As soon as I forced the sheets off my bed, I gasped.

Getting kidnapped.

Running in the forest with no where to go.

These random people saving me.

Being told Werewolves exist!

I smiled, and rubbed my eyes. Gosh that was  an intense nightmare. I giggled and made my way down the stairs. I slowly walked into the  kitchen, searching for Ryder. 

He was standing over the counter, a cup of what I'm assuming was coffee in his hand. He turned as I made my way around the corner, sensing me in an incredible way.

"Good morning." Ryder said. I smiled.

"Morning. What's for breakfast?" I asked. Ryder stirred uncomfortably as I asked. His eyes slowly traveled to the floor as he bit his inner lip in . . . nervouseness?

"You ok?" I asked him, walking over to him with caution. I glanced at his eyes only to see they held dark bags underneath them, and he had a slight stubble. Sure, I didn't mind the stubble as much. It gave him a much more rugged look, and somewhat made him look ten times older than he  already was.

However the heavy bags under his beautiful blue eyes that normally held a lightness are what scared me the most. Or had me worried was more the right choice of words. His eyes were no longer icy, but dull and very dark. The whites of his eyes were also pretty red, showing me either he was sleep deprived or a crack addict. I hightly doubt it was the latter.

I couldn't help but reach out to touch him with my hand. He seemed a little shocked by the action, but I didn't move my hand from his beautiful face. Immediately, warmth and a dozen fireworks were set off from where we made contact. The tingles were like electric currents, but they were in no way painful. Ryder nuzzeled into my hand, causing more tingles to erupt from our touch.

"What's the matter?" I asked him.

"I just . . . with everything that happened yesterday . . " He slowly trailed off, looking down.

I gasped in shock, and recoiled my hand from his face.

The dream. It was real! It really DID happen! I was living with a wolf boy. I was captured by a weirdo! I was running stranded in the forest!! Random people found me and told me about werewolves!!!

I started to pant in short breaths. Yet, as I looked up to see Ryder's pain stricken face, I found myself gaining composure. He looked so torn up, as if I had just slapped him right across the face. I found myself feeling guilty. 

Maybe now the news was starting to really settle in. But then again, I wasn't mad at Ryder. How could I be? If it were me in his position, I would've kept it a secret as well.

"Ryder?" I asked, staring at him. At his name, he immediately scanned my face for answers.

"Yes?" He asked, almost sounding desperate.

"Hold me." I whispered, staring at the floor. I surprised myself, feeling vulnerable.  I could feel surprise emanating off Ryder in waves. I was shocked at my own request as well, but I felt like I needed that security that I could only find when I was with Ryder, or wrapped in his arms. I needed that safety that was deprived from me ever since I was taken. Ryder had that safety.

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