Chapter 27.

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Hi so I decided to update a lil bit faster than usual.


My laptop is slowly falling apart which might lead to the destroying of this book by accident 

I really hope it doesn't come to that. 

ALSO my keypads aren't working very well. Like some of the letter when I press them won't appear on my screen along with the space bar and the commassoifughughUGHHHHIT'SHAPPENINGRIGHTNOWFUKEI'SORRYIHATETHISSTUPIDLAPTOPIDKWHYTHISISHAPPENINGFU

My eyes opened in a flash after words had echoed throughout my mind. I didn't move, for my eyes had to adjust to the strange dim lighting. I squeezed my eyes hard. 

"Zara?" Someone muttered. I looked to my left where the voice came from. Ryder sat there, bags under his eyes and a slight aftershave coming on. His eyes were red and swollen, and he seemed restless. I tried to speak but my throat was tight. 

As if sensing my problem, he turned behind him and grasped a water bottle, before handing it to me. I took greedily, undid the cap and thrust the water to my lips. I relished in the fresh feeling. After I realized the whole bottle was empty, I sighed and set it down before I sat up on the the silver bed. I realized I was in Ryder's room. 

It all hit me. All at once. 

My dad and uncle, the fight. My dreams. Or were they really dreams? They couldn't have been. But, what the voice said . . . and when I looked in the mirror. . .

"How are you feeling?" Ryder asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. My lip quivered, but I just shrugged.

"How long was I out?" I asked, feeling nervous. 

"A week and a half-"

"What?" I cut him off, my panic surging. How could I have been out for a week and half?! What was injected in me?!

"Zara, you have to let me explain-"

"Where is he? Where's my dad?" I asked him. 

"He's here but-"

"Here?! Why the fuck is he here?!" I hissed. What was happening?! What did I not know!? I began seeing red. It was as if the color red was surging through my body. I began to breathe heavily. 

"You need to calm down!" He suddenly growled. I shrank back, feeling my anger dissipate.

"What happened?" I whispered, putting my head in my hands. I suddenly felt myself being pushed into a warm body. I crashed into it, realizing it was Ryder's embrace.

"A lot has happened Zara, and in time I'll explain. You've been through a lot," He cooed, rubbing soothing circles in my back, where tingles of warmth spread from his touch. 

I took a deep breath, wrapping my arms around him. As I took a deep breath, the enticing smell of earth and spice filled my lungs. I closed my eyes, inhaling as much as I could. I felt an electric current run down my spine as Ryder kissed my mark. 

Then something happened.

It was like I lost control of myself - or something. The next thing I knew, I had Ryder pinned down on the ground, and my lips were attacking his. He wasn't making any moves to stop me though I could sense his confusion, as well as my own. I felt this strange desire building. I wanted him. My hands messily undid the buttons on his blue shirt. I relished in the feeling of my hands on his skin.

My hands clawed down his chest, and to his waistband. 

"Zara," He growled, grabbing my hands. Lost in a daze, I looked up at him. 

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